Porky and Daffy become heroes overnight when Earth is exposed to a series of devastating threats with the emergence of secret aliens seeking to take over the planet.
Paddington the bear goes on an exciting adventure into the Amazon forests and the highest mountain peaks after his visit to Aunt Lucy with the Brown family turns into an unforgettable trip.
With his super armor, Captain America starts to eliminate the evil surrounding the country. Samuel Sterns returns thanks to the blood of Hulk, and he calls himself the leader before he collides with...Read more General Thadius Ross who uses Sabra, who has supernatural powers and amazing therapeutic capabilities.
A powerful and fearsome witch, Gray Alys, travels to the Lost Lands to find a magical power to bring to her queen, but it is not an easy task as she must fight demons with the help of her guide Boyce.
Housewife Nora begins posting her life on social media, and her new role as an influencer turns her family's life upside down, especially her husband's, the brilliant lawyer Abdel Wahid. However, the...Read more journey of successes and setbacks ends with her going to prison.
Brothers Bill and Hal stumble upon their father's old monkey toy in the attic of the house, and a series of shocking murders soon erupt, prompting the brothers to try to get rid of the toy.