The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
The events revolve around Ghalia Abu Al Dahab, who faces...Read more challenges and troubles in her life. She is a woman from a poor area who was forced by circumstances to work as a microbus driver after the death of her husband
It follows the struggle between the powerful woman Nawal,...Read more who aspires to take over as editor-in-chief, and her fellow journalist Rashid, who returned from Britain and took over the job, which pits them against each other. The situation gets more complicated with the entry of a third party, Latifa.
As the veteran lawyer Kamal El Ostoul specializes in...Read more compensation cases, the circumstances force him to investigate a rape case that turns his life upside down.
The series follows the story of Aziza Khawkha, the dancer...Read more who charmed people in the Levant during the 1930s and was named the Queen of Theater during the French occupation of Syria. As a French colonel falls in love with her, he tries to control her life to get her to love him back.
A family flees destruction during the Iraqi invasion of...Read more Kuwait and accidentally loses their daughter. However, the girl is found by a woman who decides to take care of her and raise her. Years later, the girl meets her biological family and tries to reconnect with them.