Title Content: Movie - La Waqt Lil Hob - 1963


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Taking place during the period in which the Cairo fire occurred in 1952, when Hamza Al-Muhandis, the volunteer member of the National Guard, meets the school teacher Fawzia, and after the fire broke out, the British attempt to arrest all the volunteers, Hamza hides at one of his friends, and Fawzia helps him.

Hamza works at an iron and steel works, he is also a volunteer with the National Guard. The young man meets a teacher named Fawziyah while she is on a visit to his camp with a group of her students. When a fire takes place in Cairo in 1953 the secret police launch a campaign to arrest national guard volunteers. They surround Hamza’s home and capture his friend Shoukry in addition to all of his other friends who had volunteered for the national guard. Thus Hamza decides to hide at the home of a friend called Badeer. He meets Fawziyah who had volunteered to go back to his house in order to get some of his clothes. Fawziyah succeeds in entering his home and bypassing the police, she also manages to trick her father and family. Fawziyah decides to form her own cell to attack the English at Suez but when Badeer learns that Fawziyah is attracted to his friend Hamza he kicks the latter out of his house whereupon Hamza makes his way to the catacombs in order to hide there. Fawziyah smuggles food to Hamza and she also manages to sneak explosives to al-Isma’iliyah by concealing them in a coffin. By means of an elaborate plot, a mock funeral is held and the English do not open the coffin to check its contents. Thus the ruse is successful and the English camp is bombed. Subsequently the townsfolk attempt to warn Hamza as to the presence of a heavy guard as he approaches. A group of children sing a national song, replacing some words with others in order to alert Hamza as he approaches. Hamza understands the warning and he thereby turns away from the city, thus escaping the guards.