The story of Algerian activist Jamila Bouhraid, who contributed to the resistance of the French occupation of Algeria, where she sees the torture and murder of her colleague Amina at the school, who was part of an organization to resist the occupation, Jamila decides to continue the fight.
Gamila is a beautiful Algerian girl lives with her brother and uncle in the neighborhood of Casbah during the French occupation of Algeria. Gamila sees the cruelty and tyranny of the French soldiers and the way they treat her people. Her nationalist, revolutionary spirit wakes up after she witnesses French soldiers torturing her colleague for being part of the resistance. Gamila joins the resistance herself with Youssef and her friend BoAzza. She loses her friend and her uncle by the occupiers' bullets. In one of the operations she gets caught by the French army, and is tortured for the names of the other rebels. She heroically resists but is sentenced to death by the court. Gamila gets her freedom in real life as Algeria gained its independence before the sentence.