Title Content: Movie - Hassan wa Nayima - 1959


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Naima loves Hassan the singer but her greedy father Haji Metwali disapproves. Naima escapes with Hassan to get married. Her father follows them to get her back. He locks her up and Hassan tries to save her.

Al-Hajj Metwally is keen to amass money and land. His daughter Na’imah falls in love with Hassan al-Meghnawaty who reciprocates her feelings and the couple meet repeatedly. However Metwally’s relative ‘Atwah is fixated on marrying her and for this reason her father rejects Hassan’s request for her hand in marriage. Thereafter Na’imah and Hassan elope whereupon Metwally and al-Hajj ‘Abd Al Khaleq make their way to Hassan’s town in order to bring her back. Metwally imprisons his daughter at home and treats her badly, he also promises Hassan her hand in marriage only to later reneges on his promise. Thereafter the conflict between Hassan and ‘Atwah escalates and Hassan asks Metwally to make good on his promise.