In the second season, the series continues dealing with social issues in a comical and satirical way through the family of Anisa, her son Hassan, and their next-door neighbors, the family of Kamal...Read more Al-Hamrawi, his wife Salwa, and their daughter Laila.
As Kamal and Salwa live with his relative, they are subjected to harassment from the owners of the house. They decide to live with Salwa's relative, where they also feel uncomfortable. When they discover that their villa, which previously collapsed, is rebuilt again, but as a building, they live in it.
In the second season, the series continues dealing with social issues in a comical and satirical way through the family of Anisa, her son Hassan, and their next-door neighbors, the...Read more family of Kamal Al-Hamrawi, his wife Salwa, and their daughter Laila.