Title Content: Movie - El Avocato - 1984


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After getting sentenced with one month in prison for contempt of court, the lawyer Sbankh tries to take advantage of his jail time to establish many relations, most notably with drug dealer Hassouna,and Salim Abu Zaid, one of the centers of power in the 60s.

Hassan Sabanekh is a lawyer spending a month in prison for insulting a judge during trial. Sabanekh establishes many relationships in prison most notably with Hasouna Moharam, a rich drug dealer, enjoying the newly freed economy in Egypt's seventies and looking for a lawyer. He also meets Selim Abu Zeid once a very powerful man in Egypt's sixties and still in prison. Using or even abusing the corrupted juridical system, Sabanekh succeeds in getting Hasouna out of prison not for anything but to try to rob him later. Falling for Hasouna's tricks in the end, Sabanekh is again in prison, this time to try the same with Selim Abu Zeid. A funny lawyer trying to abuse the system but fails at the end, “El Avocato” is a panorama of Egypt's corrupted routes to earn a living and the shift it had from the sixties to the seventies.