The series follows the life of Hassan, an old chivalrous Arabesque workshop owner who lives in a poor neighborhood with his family. The series provides an insight into the day-to-day struggles of the...Read more family as Hassan gets involved in much of their neighbors' disputes and affairs.
Favourite Nile Drama Channel | Sunday 22 December | 11:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Nile Drama Channel | Sunday 22 December | 07:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Nile Drama Channel | Monday 23 December | 03:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Nile Drama Channel | Monday 23 December | 11:00 AM | Reminder |
The series follows the life of Hassan, an old chivalrous Arabesque workshop owner who lives in a poor neighborhood with his family. The series provides an insight into the...Read more day-to-day struggles of the family as Hassan gets involved in much of their neighbors' disputes and affairs.