The story revolves around the maid, Soukra, who goes to Cairo to search for her childhood sweetheart, Youssef who has become a journalist. After he casts her out, she strives to become a rich and...Read more famous businesswoman and continues her education, until he tries to return to her.
After his brother and friend drowned on a fishing trip, Mahrous refuses to give the inheritance to Soukra, his niece and her mother. After Soukra refuses to get married, her uncles steals from her what proves her right. Years later, Soukra flees to Cairo. Youssef works as an electricity collector.
The story revolves around the maid, Soukra, who goes to Cairo to search for her childhood sweetheart, Youssef who has become a journalist. After he casts her out, she strives to...Read more become a rich and famous businesswoman and continues her education, until he tries to return to her.