Episodes: Series - Al Ameel 1001 - 2005

  • season 1
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Karima is saddened that Egypt was defeated in the war. She grows worried when her husband, Major General Tolba, doesn't return as she loses contact with her son Amr as well. Fo'ad thinks about planting someone in the Israeli military community. Hayer is nominated for an important office.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

Fo'ad admires Amr's intelligence when he goes to ask after his father. When Amr beats Metwally and his son, Fo'ad advises him not to hold his temper. Karima and Samiha agree on Amr and Maha's engagement.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Fo'ad gets a report about Musa Zaki Rafe' and asks for more information about him and Ester. Khaled's family chastises him after he is arrested in a stolen car.


  • season 1
  • episode #4

4th Episode

Shokry offers Tolba a partnership and asks him to have Khaled work in their store during the vacation. Amr learns that his uncle died a martyr. Ester falls into a coma but Maged breaks the door to save her.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

5th Episode

When Amr asks Fo'ad to send him to the front lines after his graduation from the Faculty of Reserve Officers, Fo'ad offers him another way to serve his country. A journalist reveals Hayer and Sonata's relationship and that Heidi is their daughter.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

6th Episode

Rashel finds the necklace that Ester inherited. Jack sends Hayer a report on Khaled. Amr tells his family and Maha's that he got a year-long scholarship in Russia.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

7th Episode

Amr starts his training with Fo'ad. Essam gets engaged to Azza. Hayer finds the two businessmen who leaked the information about his marriage to Sonata. Heidi publishes an article in the same newspaper that broke the news about Sonata and Hayer's marriage.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

8th Episode

Hayer admonishes Heidi for the article she published in an opposition newspaper. Fo'ad asks Musa to look for his aunt Ester. The neighborhood learns that Musa is looking for Ester, but Yacoub suspects him of being a fraud.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

9th Episode

Tolba inquires after Amr. Yacoub falls for the Moroccan guy's ruse and takes him to the neighborhood. Ashraf gives Yacoub information and photos of Khaled and his family, but he is unable to find photos of Amr and Azza.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

10th Episode

Musa gets a new job in insurance. Yacoub tries to get close to Musa and sends Hayer a report about him. It's revealed that Ashraf told the General Intelligence Directorate about his connection to Yacoub. Heidi tries to kill herself.


  • season 1
  • episode #11

11th Episode

It's revealed that Morris is the one who has been sending information to Israel. Heidi sends her article to John and he gets it published. Heidi breaks down after Hanin kills John. Fo'ad searches Morris's apartment.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

12th Episode

The Intelligence Directorate decodes the message after they get a book from Morris's apartment. Issac gathers information about Musa in Morocco. Hassan meets Musa to learn what Yacoub wants from him.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

13th Episode

When Musa makes mistakes, a furious Fo'ad sends Hassan to set him straight. Ashraf tells Yacoub that Abdel Badi' was arrested. Musa tells Yacoub that he saw Medhat in an apartment that belongs to the Intelligence Directorate.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

14th Episode

Fo'ad lets Yacoub and Rashel escape to bolster Musa's position in Israel. Morris gets arrested. As Maha falls ill, Shahin warns Tolba that he will break off her engagement to Amr if the latter doesn't call. Musa is released and Youssef suggests that he emigrate to Israel.


  • season 1
  • episode #15

15th Episode

The neighborhood grows to hate Musa, and Maged asks him and Ester to leave. Amr receives new training. Sonata bargains with Hayet when he gets investigated. Amr writes letters to his family and Maha.


  • season 1
  • episode #16

16th Episode

When Amr goes to see his family from a distance, he is almost caught, but Fo'ad interferes and saves him. Issac and Heidi agree for her to use a pseudonym for her articles. Musa gets tickets to Athens for him and Ester.


  • season 1
  • episode #17

17th Episode

When Ester dies on the day of their travel, Musa decides to go and leaves money for Maged to bury her. Musa arrives in Athens and discovers that the necklace is fake. Tolba and Karima are worried that Amr is going to lose Maha.


  • season 1
  • episode #18

18th Episode

Elena gets the desperate Musa a job at Ezra's restaurant. Two members of the Jewish Agency ask Musa to go to Israel. When Adel asks for Maha's hand, Maha chastises him. Khaled breaks off his engagement to Olfat.


  • season 1
  • episode #19

19th Episode

Ike fights with Musa as a part of a plan to pressure the latter to go to Israel. Musa survives a murder attempt. Heidi stops publishing articles about Sonata, but the latter is still forced out of the Economic Committee.


  • season 1
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Musa gets involved in the theft of Ike's jewelry. When Ike is killed, Musa decides to go to Israel and sends a letter to Youssef. Tolba learns that Amr is on a mission for his country. Issac tells Heidi that Hayer might be onto him.


  • season 1
  • episode #21

21st Episode

When Musa arrives in Israel, an officer gives him the card of a Jacob Aharon, who turns out to be Yacoub. Antar demands the money that Khaled borrowed back. A letter from Amr arrives informing the family that his trip will be prolonged so that he could get his Ph.D.


  • season 1
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Adel lies and says that his friend met Amr in Russia. Musa meets Heidi and Sonata at a party to celebrate the opening of Rashel's bar. Yacoub gathers information about Musa and offers him a job with the police.


  • season 1
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Fo'ad attends Khaled's birthday party and denies the rumors about his marriage. Musa gets close to Heidi and leaves his job with Rashel. Adel recalls what Sanya said about Musa who looks just like Amr.


  • season 1
  • episode #24

24th Episode

Heidi gets Musa a job as Sonata's secretary. Fo'ad learns about Musa from Rafif whose name is revealed to be actually Ra'ouf. Heidi writes an article about the Bahr El-Baqar massacre.


  • season 1
  • episode #25

25th Episode

After Musa receives a parcel from Paris, he travels to Athens where he gets trained to use the secret ink and microfilm. As rumors abound that Amra abandoned Maha after they had an affair, Samiha breaks down and is transferred to the hospital.


  • season 1
  • episode #26

26th Episode

Musa is saddened by Gamal Abdel Nasser's death. Adel decides to marry Maha. Musa sends information about openings on the canal that will set anyone who passes aflame.


  • season 1
  • episode #27

27th Episode

Musa sends the information that Heidi had. As he joins the army, he gets assigned to the Signal Corps where he gets his hand on a lot of sensitive information. Adel marries Maha, much to everyone's shock.


  • season 1
  • episode #28

28th Episode

Adel refuses to consummate the marriage. Tolba returns to service. Golda is informed that Hayel got rid of Issac. Fo'ad and Hassan learn that the Bar Lev Line has pipes that pump napalm, making it impossible to cross.


  • season 1
  • episode #29

29th Episode

Musa sends information about the napalm pumps company. Adel tries to join the Faculty of Reserve Officers. Sonata is told to stay away from Musa. Rashel gets Musa a permit to go to Europe.


  • season 1
  • episode #30

30th Episode

Amr draws a map of the napalm openings. Sonata tells Heidi that she is her mother. Hassan allows Amr to call his family. Musa is moved to the Bar Lev Line where he is assigned to the radio unit.


  • season 1
  • episode #31

31st Episode

As Egypt displays the image of a nation unwilling to go to war, they set a date for the war. Musa sends Fo'ad a message saying "Long Live Egypt" that reveals his allegiance to his commander. Amr is shot after he destroys the power unit in the radio unit, crippling communications. Amr dies a martyr.
