Episodes: Series - Odeh Abu Tayeh - 2008

  • season 1
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Odeh learns horsemanship from a young age at the hands of his father. He also admires Muzna, his sister, Alia's, friend. Odeh attacks one of the tribes and captures Tarqu' for seizing the livestock.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

Odeh is saddened by his father's, Harb, refusal to allow him to marry Muzna because of her simple origin. Tarqu’ fails to convince Sheikh Kasib not to risk attacking the Abu Tayeh tribe.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Sheikh Kasib and his knights are defeated by Odeh after they attempt to attack the tribe, and Sheikh Harb agrees with Sheikh Arar to protect the Hajj route, per the request of the representative of the Ottoman state, Zahir Bey.


  • season 1
  • episode #4

4th Episode

Odeh helps his father protect the caravans returning from the Hajj and pursue the thieves, who try to rob the merchants accompanying the caravans. On the other hand, Bey's regime resents his payment of money to the Arabs to protect the Hajj route. Muzna gets married to the knight Awad per the orders of Sheikh Harb.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

5th Episode

Sheikh Harb decides to marry his son, Odeh, to Salma. Sheikh Kasib allies with Sheikh Daasan to attack the Al Tawayha's tribe after Odeh's wedding ends.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

6th Episode

Odeh and his companions are able to prevent Sheikh Kasib and Sheikh Daasan from entering the tribes after they become aware of the attack attempt. Abtan and his men kill officer Nizam Bey.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

7th Episode

Sheikh Kaseb withdraws from his alliance with Sheikh Daasan. Odeh and his companions are able to capture Jarmus, one of Sheikh Daasan's men. Odeh also succeeds in killing Daasan. Zahir becomes able to end the dispute between the Ottoman Empire and Arar after his return to Ma'an.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

8th Episode

Turkish soldiers arrest Arar after his visit to Ma'an, so Abtan tries to help him get out of prison. Odeh attacks Fayed Ibn Ghaith's tribes, but gets injured.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

9th Episode

Odeh is able to deceive Fayed and return to his tribe, and Abtan is able to get his brother out of prison after negotiating with the Turks. Odeh continues his raids on the tribes as the Ottoman Empire attempts to expand its influence in the desert.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

10th Episode

The Ottoman Empire impose double taxes on the Bedouins following the construction of the Hejaz railway. As for Odeh, Arshud and Nahar betray him as they set up a trap for him.


  • season 1
  • episode #11

11th Episode

Odeh attacks Arshud's tribe with the help of the Shaalan tribe, but Enad is killed during the battle. Shaqa kicks Ghadban out of Sinjar, so Ghadban takes refuge with the Shaalan tribe.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

12th Episode

The Ottoman Empire's accountant is able to deceive Odeh and take the tax from him without giving him the receipt. Odeh helps Ghadban and restores his sovereignty over Sinjar, but Fayed attacks his tribe and seizes the livestock.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

13th Episode

Odeh and his men are able to defeat Fayed and recover the livestock. While the governor demands that Odeh pay the tax again, the latter sends a letter to the governor of Ma'an in Ma'an to insult him.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

14th Episode

The Turkish officer tries to arrest Odeh, who manages to kill him. Muhammad offers a bribe to Najm Pasha to postpone Odeh's arrest.


  • season 1
  • episode #15

15th Episode

Prince Abdullah arrives in eastern Jordan and is welcomed by tribal sheiks. The prince insists on fighting the French and kicking them from Syria despite the British’s threats to him. The prince also sends the free Syrians to Egypt to support him.


  • season 1
  • episode #16

16th Episode

The Union and Progress Party asks the Arabs to learn and speak the Turkish language. Sajid Zain Al Abidin takes over the governorship of Ma'an, and Muhammad welcomes him and tries to get closer to him. On the other hand, Jamil and his companions are looking for Odeh.


  • season 1
  • episode #17

17th Episode

Muhammad discovers the truth about the spy sent by Officer Majeed to get news about Jamil and his companions. As for Odeh, he takes revenge on behalf of his guests by sending Jarid and some knights to catch bandits from the Shaalan tribe.


  • season 1
  • episode #18

18th Episode

The Ottoman Empire persists in its attempt to control the Arabs. It also captures many women, including Arvivan’s wife, who gives birth to her child, Habes, in prison.


  • season 1
  • episode #19

19th Episode

The relationship becomes tense between Prince Faisal and the Turks. Faisal decides to launch a revolution against the Turks in alliance with the rest of the Arabs as well as Odeh and his men. Aqaba is liberated with the help of the British Lawrence, who is planting mines.


  • season 1
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Prince Faisal threatens the Turks to kill captured officers because of their killing of Arab intellectuals. As for Odeh, he returns to Al-Jafr with Lawrence to call on the Arab tribes to ally with Prince Faisal to eliminate the Turks.


  • season 1
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Odeh and his knights are able to storm Aqaba and liberate it from Turkish control by raising the flag of Arab unity. Lawrence leaves for the British command center to inform them of the latest developments in Aqaba.


  • season 1
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

France occupies Syria and the Jews occupy Palestine in accordance with the resolutions of the Balfour Declaration; Prince Faisal travels to Britain to hold a reconciliation conference according to his conditions, which stipulate that all Arab countries must be united without colonialism.


  • season 1
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Odeh sends a letter to Prince Hussein signed by Arab leaders, they are inviting him to send one of his sons to assume leadership of Arab unity after France’s seizure of the Levant and the British mandate over some Arab countries.


  • season 1
  • episode #24

24th Episode

Commander Amberson and Officer Frederick try to prevent Prince Abdullah from arriving in Ma'an. Sheikh Mithqal Al Fayez captures Frederick after he leaves and takes him to prison.


  • season 1
  • episode #25

25th Episode

Prince Abdullah arrives in eastern Jordan, is welcomed by Arab tribal sheiks, and insists on kicking out the French from Syria. In the meantime, Hanano and his men withdraw to eastern Jordan.


  • season 1
  • episode #26

26th Episode

Hanano and his men arrive in Jordan despite Frederick's attempts to prevent them from arriving. Rasem Al Arabi continues to spy for the British in exchange for money, and Prince Abdullah threatens the British to break his covenant with them if the French are allowed to attack Ajloun.


  • season 1
  • episode #27

27th Episode

Odeh meets with Hanano and provides him with weapons and money, so that he can escape to Egypt after changing his name, but Frederick is able to arrest him after Rasem tells him his whereabouts.


  • season 1
  • episode #28

28th Episode

Hanano is handed over to the French camp for trial in Aleppo, and Odeh shoots Frederick in revenge and flees to his old tribe in Al-Jafr.


  • season 1
  • episode #29

29th Episode

Frederick manages to arrest Odeh and put him in prison, but Al Ajlouni helps him escape and go to Al-Jafr, but he insists on leaving towards the east.


  • season 1
  • episode #30


Odeh travels with his tribe to Iraq, where he meets Prince Faisal, who has become its king. He is also exposed to a serious health problem, so Muhammad transports him to Egypt for treatment, but he dies there after a struggle with the disease.
