Selim refuses to allow Zohra to stay in his house, deciding to give her to an orphanage to bother Soliman. In retaliation, Soliman decides to turn the land that Selim bought into a barren land. Tawfik agrees to hire Nagat at the factory.
Taha Al-Samahy carries out a successful mission against the English occupation. When a group of factory workers decides to aid the resistance efforts in Ismailia, Selim Al-Badry supports their efforts. Selim reveals to Nazik that he sold the factory to his sister, Roqaya.
Soliman takes Zohra out of the orphanage and enrolls her in school. Taha visits Nagat and his son. Selim decides to launch a donation campaign to support the resistance fighters and their families.
When Selim tries to appoint Nagat to the secretarial department, she refuses the transfer and resigns, causing him to go back on his decision. Soliman burns Al-Badry's land. Taha dies while carrying out a new mission.
Selim decides to buy a new factory with the money he got from selling the land to the crown behind Nazik's back. Soliman learns about the selling, as does Nazik. Zakaria goes to Alexandria to retrieve his wife, who returned to her job as a belly dancer.
Zeinhoum shelters Hamdiya till she gives birth. As the police clash with the English soldiers in Ismailia, Soliman's son dies in the conflict. When Tawfik Al-Badry disappears while depositing money during the Cairo fire, it's revealed that he was arrested by the police.
The crown's representative demands the money that was paid for Al-Badry's land back. As the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 breaks out, Tawfik becomes paralyzed as a result of what he suffered in prison. Hamdiya unsuccessfully tries to see her daughter. Selim Al-Badry becomes the owner of three factories.
Despite her young age, Soliman insists on marrying Zohra off and tries to convince Nazik, but Zohra's uncle and Zeinhoum oppose the marriage. Selim gets close to the former Princess Nourhan and ends up proposing to her.
As Zakaria tries to reconcile with Hamdiya, she rebuffs him. As Nagat returns from abroad and tries to see her son, Zeinhoum initially refuses her request, but he relents on Nagy's request. Hamdiya kidnaps her daughter, leaving Zakaria and Samasem to try to talk sense into her.
As Tawfik accuses Selim of causing his arrest, Selim asks Ali to leave with him, but Ali refuses. Selim marries Princess Nourhan. Soliman is arrested for smuggling weapons. Zeinhoum voulanteers to join the war efforts in Port Said.
Tawfik recovers from his paralysis. Zeinhoum sustains a serious head wound. In the 1960s, Al-Badry's factories get nationalized. Nazik decides to wed a younger man.
Soliman decides to take revenge on Bessa, who caused his incarceration. When Ali gets close to Zohra, his brother Adel resents their relationship, stirring conflict between the brothers. Selim asks Soliman to keep his daughter Zohra away from Ali.
When Tal'at decides to open a shoes workshop, he offers to partner up with Selim. Selim tries to explain some facts about Nazik to Adel. When Anisa falls ill, it's revealed that she has learned that Tawfik has another wife.
Adel is shocked when he learns that Nazik wants to marry a young man, leading him to try and bribe her fiancé to walk away from her. Adel enlists Zohra's help to convince their mother to reconsider her marriage.
Nazik hires a lawyer for the interdiction case that Selim intends to pursue. When Nagy clashes with his mother Nagat, he decides to turn to his grandfather. Anisa reveals Tawfik's second marriage to Ali. Nazik insists on getting married against everybody's wishes.
Tawfik tries to reconcile with Anisa. When a mysterious man appears at Zeinhoum's coffee shop, it's revealed that he is Samasem's son from a previous marriage. Zeinhoum divorces Samasem despite her assertion that she told him about that marriage.
Soliman asks his son to run for the parliament and become partners with Bessa. Selim decides to put the new workshop in his sons' names. When Selim visits Zeinhoum's coffee shop with Ali, Soliman and Zeinhoum see them.
Nagy futilely tries to reconcile his uncle Zeinhoum and Samasem. When Nagat asks Nagy to stay in the house as they prepare to travel to the Soviet Union, he soon clashes with Mostafa. Nazik offers to partner up with Tal'at on the leather factory.
Anisa insists on getting a divorce, but refuses to take Ali's money from him. Adel tries to get close to Zeinhoum's daughter Qamar, but she harshly rejects him. Zeinhoum gets angry when he learns of Adel's attempt.
Zeinhoum punishes Adel by shaving his hair off. As Zeinhoum's memory deteriorates, Selim learns about it after confronting him with what he did to Adel. Zeinhoum decides to speak for Samasem's son. Hamdiya asks Samasem to return to her dancing career.
Tawfik and Anisa divorce. A plan is devised to bring Nazik's husband down. Ali and Zohra meet in secret. When Soliman learns that his daughter is sneaking out behind his back, he decides to punish her. Effat steals a diamond ring from Nazik.
Adel and his friend beat Nagy. When Soliman insists on sending Zohra to his village, she runs away and seeks shelter in Zeinhoum's house. Zeinhoum and Soliman reach an agreement regarding Zohra.
Samasem enlists Tawfik's help to resolve her problem with Zeinhoum. Tawfik discovers that his pregnant wife escaped from Egypt. Zeinhoum agrees to take Samasem back. Anisa learns of what happened to Tawfik.
Adel is arrested for assaulting Nagy. Selim discovers that he is being watched. When Tawfik falls ill, Anisa returns to him. Nagy visits Adel and they reconcile and become friends. Selim plans to leave the country.
Against regulations, Tawfik is forced into retirement. Selim settles in Paris. Ali and Adel grow close. When Nazik discovers that her husband has seized Hamdiya's money, Nazik kicks him out of the villa. But as he tries to assault her, Adel gets in the way, leading to the death of Nazik's husband.