When Mansour marries Hayat, he thinks that they will have a humble but happy life. However, her mother's interference in their lives and his mounting debts ruin his happiness. Despite his efforts to...Read more solve his problems, whenever he succeeds in solving one problem, another one soon befalls him.
Umm Hayat (Hayat's mother) sets harsh conditions to approve Mansour's marriage to her daughter. On the day of the wedding, Umm Hayat quarrels with the woman who hired the band. But after the fight, she discovers that her daughter's bridal jewelry was stolen, which ruins the wedding.
When Mansour marries Hayat, he thinks that they will have a humble but happy life. However, her mother's interference in their lives and his mounting debts ruin his happiness....Read more Despite his efforts to solve his problems, whenever he succeeds in solving one problem, another one soon befalls him.