After one of the residents of the building leaves, he rents out his apartment, and the new tenant turns out to be the popular singer Ufa. Fawzia fires the servant Rawhyia. Fawzia's lawyer, Ahmed, informs her that he has filed a case against the Ministry of Environment as she requested.
As Mr. Gamil, the Arabic language teacher, lives alone in his apartment, he visits one of his old students who became a minister. As Fawzia visits the governor in his office, she asks him to one of the governorate's streets after her father. Fawzia warns Dr. Alaa about throwing out medical waste.
Fawzia meets Gamil at the police station after many years have passed from when he used to teach her children when they were young. Fares solves his mother's problem with the Minister of Interior and takes Fawzia to the hospital after a diabetic coma. Gamil and the lawyer Wahid remain by Fawzia's side.
Fawzia files a complaint against the doctors for not being in the hospital and leaving the patients at night. As Gamil tries to make Farida visit Fawzia in the hospital and solve the problems between them, she refuses. Fawzia makes Amer arrest Yunus for drinking hookah in front of the building.
Ezz Eldin blames Fares for what he said against him at a popular conference. As Ufa turns a room in his apartment into a studio to record his songs, Fawzia files a report against him and the Minister of Culture. Gamil goes to Fares to make him reconcile with Fawzia.
Fawzia is upset when Ali asks her about the number of her grandchildren. As Fares agrees with Farida and Ra'ouf to get Fawzia in trouble and taking her money, Gamil tells them that Fawzia is at the station for causing a permanent disability to a thief who attacked her.
As Farida admonishes Amr for being friendly with the workers in the factory, she gets upset when Amr refuses to open a media channel, and she leaves the house. As Farida runs a guy over with her car, Hamdy helps her get away with it.
As Farida threatens Fawzia after she hits her children when Gamil took them to her, Fawzia kicks her out. Fawzia asks Karam to resign because of the grades of the businessmen's children. As Fares plots against Farghaly, he makes the administrative prosecutor arrest him.
Fawzia files a report against the Ministry of Electricity after what happened to the electrical devices following a power outage. Fawzia asks Gamil to become the school director. Ezz appoints Sabry in Farghaly's place. Ufa brings his wife, Umm Ahmed, to live in the Zamalek's apartment.
Fawzia refuses to give Ra'ouf his money to help him with his problem. Fawzia gets permission from the prosecution and records the actions that Umm Ahmed does against her. As Fares blames Hamdy for Noshy's blackmail of him, he asks him to make him work for him.
Gamil blames Ra'ouf for causing him to go to the police station after Shalaby found his sister in his bedroom. Mohsen asks Fares to buy the land of Fawzia's school in exchange for becoming a partner in his project. Walid goes to Fawzia's school after Fares complained about her.
Fawzia is almost arrested after she changes the street sign. As Farida comes to ask for her share of the inheritance, she tells Fawzia that she and her siblings had filed a case to take back their rights. Galal asks Gamil to speak with his daughter Rasha about his desire to get married.
As Fawzia reprimands Amer for not following his father’s wish about getting married, he tells her that his beloved betrayed him. As Fawzia goes to Farida's party, she finds Ufa singing a song attacking her. Farida tells Fares that doesn't think that Noshy saw her when she hit him with her car.
Imam, Ratib's son is arrested. After Ra'ouf leaves his apartment for not paying the rent, Gamil lets him live with him. Farida records a program with Hoda, Alaa, and Karen. As the ruling is adjourned in the case of Fawzia's children against her, Fawzia becomes upset with her children.
Gamil is worried about his daughter Buthaina for leading a demonstration in France. As Fares makes Ratib visit Imam in the State Security, he offers Imam a job in a satellite channel.
As Buthaina returns from France, Gamil gives Ra'ouf the apartment opposite him. As Wahid tells Farida and Ra'ouf that they took their rights from Fawzia, Fares accuses him of attacking him in his office.
Fawzia apologizes to Wahid after Fares imprisoned him. Farida advises Salma to become her partner in her channel without Fares’s knowledge. Buthaina tells Gamil and Fawzia what happened to her when she faced the university department head. Fares asks Ratib to transfer Fawzia’s money to him and his siblings.
After Fawzia learns of what Fares asked Ratib to do in order to get Imam out, she orders him to transfer all the funds to him. Ra'ouf borrows money from Fares for the costs of Buthaina’s case. As Fawzia's foot is broken, Buthaina takes care of her. Ra'ouf admits to Gamil his love for Buthaina.
As Ra'ouf apologizes to Fawzia, she tells him what Fares did with Ratib, and that the money he took was his rightful share. Amer discovers that the girl he saw at Fawzia's is Buthaina. Gamil tells Fawzia and Buthaina about the costs of the trip that Ra'ouf paid. Fawzia asks Gamil to be her business manager.
Gamil assigns the lawyer Fahmy to take on Fawzia's cases. Salma almost sees Fares while he is with his wife Elham in the office. Noshy is thinking about confronting Farida with the accident to get money from her. Fawzia learns about Farida's success.
As Ufa suffers from swine flu, Fawzia calls for help. As Amer requests Buthaina’s hand from Amer, Mutawaly also asks for her hand for his son Montaser. Gamil is forced to take Rasha to Fawzia’s apartment because she is not comfortable with Nermine. Noshy extorts Farida.
After Buthaina returns from France, Fawzia gives Amer her doctoral thesis so that he can impress Buthaina. Gamil also tries to help Ra'ouf appear cultured to impress Buthaina. Farida tells Fares that Noshy is blackmailing her.
As Fares and Elham reconcile, he learns that she's pregnant. Hamdy tells Fares that Noshy was hit by a car and died. Fawzia testifies against Fares in Wahid's case. A problem occurs to Amr because of the channel loan.
As Fares agrees with Fawqia to sell her share of the school land, he's forced to tell Amr that he's married to Elham. Gamil stipulates to Ra'ouf that Fawzia must agree to his marriage to Buthania. A misunderstanding makes Fawzia call Amer to ask for Buthaina's hand, which causes Ra'ouf to leave in sadness.
Gamil fails to persuade Fawzia to agree to Ra'ouf's marriage to Buthaina. Buthaina tells Amer that she loves another person. As Fares and Farida go to ask for Buthaina’s hand, she refuses until Fawzia agrees. Rasha runs away from Fawzia’s apartment.
Fahmy tells Gamil that Rasha is at the hospital and that her father died. As Fahmy tells Fawzia and Gamil that Galal wrote a will for Rasha and that they are her guardians, Rasha chooses to travel to her aunt. Farida and Salma can't find Fares in his office.
After Salma sees Fares with Elham, they quarrel, and he divorces her. As the court rules in favor of Fares, Fares and Farida insist that Fawzia leaves the building. Fares makes the police hand him the building.
As Fawzia moves to the apartment opposite Gamil, she asks Wahid to transfer all her money to him. Rasha refuses to travel to her aunt. After Sabry warns Fares of Ezz's desire to exploit his expulsion of Fawzia, Fares apologizes to Fawzia and tells her to return to her building.
After learning of his plan to sell the school's land, Fawzia attacks Fares at an election conference. Fares gets a court order to interdict Fawiza by claiming that she's insane, as he becomes the guardian of her property. As Faris wins in the elections, he becomes a minister as well.
As Ra'ouf apologizes to Fawzia, she asks for Buthaina’s hand from Gamil for him. Amr divorces Farida, and Fares abandons her. After Amr asks Fawzia to look after his two sons, Fares and Ra'ouf, she pays the bank’s fine for Amr so that he won't be imprisoned. Farida apologizes to Fawzia.
As Fawzia leaves the hospital, Gamil confesses his love to her. Hamdy shoots Fares and gets arrested. Ra'ouf marries Buthaina. As Fawzia donates her kidney to Fares, they reconcile. Fawzia agrees to marry Gamil. The lawyer tells Fawqia that her husband didn't divorce her.