The events revolve around Noura, who asks for a divorce from her husband after learning that she is unable to have children, but after the divorce, she lives in a state of turmoil. She is tired of...Read more living alone and still loves and respects her ex-husband, but she wants him to have a better life, in which he can have a family and children.
Noura lives alone on her memories of Salman after their divorce because she did not have children, and her brother Musaed tries to help her and asks her to go out of the house.
The events revolve around Noura, who asks for a divorce from her husband after learning that she is unable to have children, but after the divorce, she lives in a state of turmoil....Read more She is tired of living alone and still loves and respects her ex-husband, but she wants him to have a better life, in which he can have a family and children.