Abdullah helps his father in fishing at sea, but their resources are limited, which forces his father to borrow from Abu Dawud, who demands that he pay his debts or give him his horse instead.
After his father falls ill and dies, Abdullah takes care of his mother and younger brother, who cooperates with Abu Dawud and asks to work with him, and Abu Dawud demands that Umm Abdullah (Abdullah's mother) pay off the debts.
Barak sells his father's horse to Dawud, whose daughter, Ghazlan, tells Abdullah about it. He tries to get it back, but Dawud refuses.
As Abdullah's financial situation worsens, he goes fishing at sea, and he meets a person and calls him Abdullah El Bahari (Abdullah of the Sea), who gives him jewels on the condition that Abdullah El Bari (Abdullah of the Land) will buy him fruit next time.
Abdullah El Bari sells the jewels, pays off all his debts, gets the horse back, helps the poor, and buys Abdullah El Bahari a lot of fruits.
As Ghazlan warns Abdullah El Bari that her father is watching him, Umm Abdullah El Bari suggests that he propose to marry her. Meanwhile, Dawud incites Barak against his brother and asks him to know the secret of the jewels.
Barak searches for the jewels in Abdullah El Bari's room, and the latter buys fruits to give to Abdullah El Bahari, who gives Abdullah El Bari new jewels, so Dawud reports him to the police and accuses him of stealing a large treasure.
Abdullah El Bari asks his mother to ask for Ghazlan's hand in marriage for him, and Barak tells Dawud that the treasure is buried outside the village. The police officer interrogates Abu Nasser to find out the location of the treasure.
As Abdullah El Bari delivers the fruits to his friend Abdullah El Bahari, he moves to a new house with his family, and lavishes his enemies with money and jewels in order to avoid their evil.
As Abdullah El Bari gives the police chief jewels so that he leaves him alone, he proposes marriage to Ghazlan, but her father stipulates that he know the location of the treasure that Abdullah El Bari owns in order to grant his request.
Umm Abdullah El Bari becomes ill, and the doctor advises him that she should travel for treatment, but the police chief prevents Abdullah from leaving town, so Abdullah El Bahari offers to treat her in the way of the people of the sea.
Dawud plots with a merchant to accuse Abdullah El Bari of stealing the jewels from him, so the judge sentences him to imprisonment, while Abdullah El Bahari tells his friend Abdullah El Bari that there is a cure for his mother in the sea and asks him to accompany him there.
The police arrest Abdullah El Bari, who manages to convince the police chief to release him in order to show him the location of the treasure, but he goes with Abdullah El Bahari to the sea and the police chief continues to search for him.
At the bottom of the sea, Al Sallab catches Abdullah El Bari and seeks to sell him. Abdullah El Bahari searches for him everywhere. He then rescues Zeina from the fishermen’s net and asks her to help him find Abdullah El Bari.
Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari try to rescue the white-haired girl, but the city residents arrest them, and the white-haired girl tries to help them escape from the prison by blowing it up.
The police chief catches Nasser to find out where Abdullah El Bari is. The latter finds a dove that makes him see the past, and the people of the sea try to buy it from him.
Ghazlan gets angry when Barak sells Abdullah El Bari's horse to Dawud, and at sea, Abdullah El Bari and El Bahari rent a room in the Happiness Hotel to hide the dove so that it will not be stolen.
The dove turns into a girl, who tells Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari her story, and the reason why the city residents are searching for her, while Nasser tries to reach Umm Abdullah El Bari, and Barak prevents him.
Dawud sells the horse to someone so that Nasser will not reach him. The police chief arrests and imprisons the latter, and Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari succeed in escaping from the city residents.
Mahmoud buys Abdullah El Bari's horse. The governor of the sea arrests Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari and puts them on the labor market for sale. Imran asks Dawud to divorce Ghazlan from Abdullah and marry her off to him.
Guard Dabaan agrees with Barak and Nasser to smuggle them out of prison in exchange for giving him a jewel. As Abdullah El Bari suddenly disappears, Abdullah El Bahari searches for him.
Nasser and Barak escape from prison, and the latter regrets what he did to his mother and brother. Abdullah El Bahari finds a black dove locked in a cage and discovers that it is his friend Abdullah El Bari, so he helps him return to his human form.
The police chief agrees to release Dabaan. Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari arrive in another city, where the guards catch them, and the city's governor forces Abdullah El Bari to make his sad daughter laugh, otherwise he will imprison him for the rest of his life.
As Abdullah El Bari makes the princess laugh, the king orders him to marry her, but he refuses, so the king imprisons him, and the princess helps him escape. He gets lost with Abdullah El Bahari and they enter a new city. Imran comes between Dawud and the police chief.
Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari meet the governor of the new city, and the police chief arrests Musa.
Musa tries to convince the police chief that Imran is devising a plot. At the sea, the governor of the city warmly receives Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari, and decides to tell them about the reason behind this after a week of their stay in the city.
The governor of the city asks Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari to present him with ideas for developing the city, and refuses their departure, while Barak promises Ghazlan that he'll take his mother to a new doctor to treat her.
Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari enter a new city in the sea and are surprised by the spread of hunger there. Abdullah El Bari finds an apple and eats it, which causes him to faint, and Abdullah El Bahari searches for a medicine for him.
As Abdullah El Bahari discovers that the apple is poisonous, he succeeds in saving his friend Abdullah El Bari. They search for Sheikh Abed to obtain medicine for Umm Abdullah El Bari.
Abdullah El Bari and Abdullah El Bahari reach Abed, who shows them the flower of wellness to heal Umm Abdullah El Bari. As he returns to his town, his mother is healed, and he announces his marriage to Ghazlan.