Abu Al-Harith tells his wife Sumra about the spirit that orders him to dig Zamzam. Abu Al-Harith finds gold from the Jarm tribe while digging, and the people of Mecca begin to believe that there is a heavenly spirit communicating with him.
Abu Al-Harith marries Fatima, and Abd al-Muttalib tells the people of Mecca about King Tubba’ seeking the help of the rabbis as his ministers after he believed in the Torah. The news of Abd al-Muttalib's marriage to Natila as well as Fatima giving birth to Al-Zubayr reaches Sumra. Al-Harith dies.
Abd al-Muttalib marries Halah, and the number of his children increases to ten. As King Hassan’s heart gets filled with arrogance, he conquers the land in the name of religion, then he is killed by the sword of his brother Amr, who is consumed with sadness.
Amr dies by the sword of Ayyash. Abd al-Muttalib complies with the fortune teller’s order not to sacrifice Abdullah, as he would have great importance. As Abdullah’s marriage to Amina takes place, he travels to Yathrib for trade.
The news of Abdullah falling ill in Yathrib reaches his father. Abd al-Muttalib rejoices at the news of Amina's pregnancy. As Abu Lahab steals the Kaaba's gold, Abd al-Muttalib is still distressed by his bad manners. Abdullah dies, while Amina is told that she is pregnant with the best of the earth.
Four Jewish brothers predict the appearance of a prophet named Ahmad who was mentioned in their books. Yazid ibn Hassan eavesdrops on them, so they track him down and kill him. Abd al-Muttalib pledges to avenge him, but they conspire against each other out of greed for prophecy, and they all die.
The Christian Phemion, whom the thieves sold to one of the infidels of the land of Najran who worship a palm tree, prays for the blind Zohra and she gains sight. The Jewish King Dhu Nuwas sends an army to Najran after Christianity spread, burning everyone who believed in Christianity.
Saleh seeks the help of Najashi for what Dhu Nuwas is committing against the Christians. Najashi appoints Commander Ariat as military chief of the Dhu Nuwas war, which angers Abraha, who is appointed as Ariat’s assistant after he becomes ruler of Yemen. Ariat is killed by Atouda, Abraha’s assistant.
Atouda makes the women of Yemen permissible with Abraha’s approval. As Abraha spares Atouda from punishment for killing Ariat so that the people of Yemen could trust him, he succeeds in gaining the trust of Najashi.
Abraha is convinced by the idea of his Alexandrian assistant to build Al-Qalis, and God makes their plot backfire on them, so none of the Arabs comes to Al-Qalis Church.
Abraha dies after failing to demolish the Kaaba. As Amina gives birth to her baby, she is ordered by the heavenly spirit to name him Muhammad, and the children of Israel confirm the existence of the qualities of prophethood in Muhammad.
Many wet nurses refuse to breastfeed Muhammad until Halima, the wet nurse, agrees to nurse him. Abd al-Muttalib predicts that Muhammad shall lead an entire nation in the future.
Othman resorts to the Roman Caesar to appoint himself king of Mecca. Abu Lahab is jealous of how well Abd al-Muttalib treats Muhammad. Amina decides to take Muhammad to Yathrib to visit his father’s grave.
As Umm Jamil seeks to convince Abu Lahab that he is the expected prophet, she plans with him to delude everyone into thinking that he's become a good man so that they would believe that he is the prophet. Abd al-Muttalib's illness becomes severe. Muhammad becomes alone after the death of Amina.
God answers the calls of Abd al-Muttalib and Muhammad for rain to fall. Abd al-Muttalib dies after entrusting Abu Talib to look after Muhammad and assuming leadership after his father. Abu Talib fails to convince Muhammad to worship idols.
Abu Talib does not fully believe in the prophecies said about Muhammad, while Umm Jamil intends to name her baby Muhammad to claim that he is the expected prophet.
Abu Talib's financial conditions worsen. Umm Jamil gives birth to Utbah and Utaybah. Muhammad marries Khadija bint Khuwaylid. As Abu Jahl's hatred reaches its peak, he thinks about divorcing Khadija from Muhammad. Everyone yells about the news of the Kaaba fire.
The elders of Quraysh agree to restore the Kaaba instead of demolishing it. Khadija gives birth to Zainab, followed by Ruqayya. Everyone agrees to rebuild the Kaaba after its walls collapse due to the floods.
Khadija gives birth to Umm Kulthum. Prophet Muhammad succeeds in resolving the dispute that broke out among the people of Quraysh because of the Black Stone. Satan tries to whisper in the hearts of the people of Mecca to kill Al-Amin (The Honest).
The great leaders of Quraysh try to erect their idols in the Kaaba after finding them on the ground every day. Qasim, the son of Muhammad, dies immediately after his birth, and everyone is surprised when Muhammad changes the customs of Hajj after the revelation comes to him.
Satan's control over Abu al-Hakam appears, and Abu al-Hakam hopes to get rid of Muhammad whenever rumors of the arrival of a new religion increase. Abu al-Hakam discovers Muhammad's prophethood.
Ali ibn Abi Talib converts to Islam, and the number of Muslims increases in secret. Umm Jamil forces her children to divorce their wives, the daughters of Muhammad. Abu al-Hakam spreads grudges in the hearts of the people of Quraysh towards Muhammad to kill him.
Abu Talib supports Muhammad and the religion he is preaching, while the people of Quraysh refuse to recognize Islam until it brings them miracles. Abu al-Hakam fails to kill Muhammad, and Abu Bakr stops the attacks of the people of Quraysh against Muhammad.
Hamza joins the religion of Islam, and Bilal follows him. Muhammad asks those who converted to Islam to migrate to Abyssinia. Al-Arqam and Ammar ibn Yasir convert to Islam, followed by the latter's father, after which Abu Jahl burns his house, and Umar converts to Islam.
God makes His creatures eat the paper in which the infidels agreed to impose a siege on the Banu Hashim clan, so they return to their homes. Amr ibn al-As and ammarah fail to return the Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia. Abu Talib dies after uttering the two testimonies of faith, and Khadija dies.
The infidels deny believing that Muhammad had undertaken the Isra' and Mi’raj journey, and the men of Aws and Khazraj convert to Islam. The Messenger of God orders the migration of Muslims to Yathrib, while the infidels fail to kill Muhammad after Ali ibn Abi Talib sleeps in his bed.
Muhammad migrates to Yathrib with Abu Bakr, and the Muslims receive him. The infidels offer hundred she-camels for Muhammad’s head. The Muslims learn to pray and call to prayer, while Satan whispers to the Jews to deceive Muhammad to trap him. Muhammad takes the Kaaba as a qibla for the Muslims.
Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf seeks the help of Satan to write satires about Muhammad, after which the former is killed. The Jewish rabbis seek help from Satan, so he advises them to plot against Muhammad, so they would believe at the beginning of the day and disbelieve at the end of it.
Al-Hakam ibn Kaysan converts to Islam at the hands of the Messenger of God. The Muslims win the Battle of Badr, and Abu al-Hakam is killed by Muaaz ibn Amr. Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib is killed by Wahshi. Muhammad’s followers dig a trench to protect them in the Battle of the Confederates (Al-Ahzab).
Muhammad wins the Battle of the Confederates (Al-Ahzab), and the Muslims defeat the Jews of Khaybar after besieging them. Peace is concluded between the Muslims and the people of Quraysh with the Treaty of al-Hudaybiya, as the numbers of Muslims increase day after day.