The events revolve around Mubarak the father, who works as a taxi driver and lives with his wife and three sons. The series addresses the problems of social life and the economic change and its impact...Read more on people, especially on the head of the family, who faces, in every episode, a problem with taxi customers. He volunteers to solve it because of his excessive kindness, which causes him many problems.
Mubarak tells his friend Nayef that he wants to sell the taxi he owns and open a store. On the other hand, Mubarak's brother offers Khaled to work with him in the stock market, but the latter is afraid that his father Mubarak will refuse.
The events revolve around Mubarak the father, who works as a taxi driver and lives with his wife and three sons. The series addresses the problems of social life and the economic...Read more change and its impact on people, especially on the head of the family, who faces, in every episode, a problem with taxi customers. He volunteers to solve it because of his excessive kindness, which causes him many problems.