The events revolve around the problems that surround the Kuwaiti family, specifically the issues of youth and adolescence, taking into account taking proper care of them, and monitoring their daily...Read more behavior, in addition to addressing the personality of the head of the family who is eager to collect wealth.
Abu Jassim (Jassim's father) agrees with Abu Abdullah that his son Jassim will marry Abu Abdullah's daughter Hessah so that they can achieve cohesion in their partnership, but Hessah refuses due to the cultural difference between her and the reckless Jassim. Mona likes her neighbor Khaled.
The events revolve around the problems that surround the Kuwaiti family, specifically the issues of youth and adolescence, taking into account taking proper care of them, and...Read more monitoring their daily behavior, in addition to addressing the personality of the head of the family who is eager to collect wealth.