Episodes: Series - Awdat Ghawar: Al-Asdekaa - 1998

  • season 3
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Ghawar Al-Tousha wanders the streets and tries to sleep on a park bench. Ghawar meets his friend, Tahseen Bey and Abu Antar, in the park.


  • season 3
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

Abu Antar deliberately provokes one of the park visitors in order to go back to jail. Ghawar pretends to be a wax sculpture inside a wax museum. Ghawar tries to save a boy after he gets in a car accident.


  • season 3
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Ghawar checks up on the boy, Ramez, and calls his mother. Abu Antar's prison cell witnesses an election. Tahseen continues to look for a bride.


  • season 3
  • episode #4

4th Episode

Ghawar stays in the hospital in order to get free food, alternating between impersonating a patient and a doctor. The prison elections end with Abu Antar being chosen as the cell's chief. Ghawar visits Abu Antar in prison.


  • season 3
  • episode #5

5th Episode

When Ghawar is found out, the hospital employees chase him off. Ghawar decides to buy a talking donkey from the donkey market.


  • season 3
  • episode #6

6th Episode

Ghawar starts selling goods as he wanders around with his talking donkey. Tahseen weds Yasmine.


  • season 3
  • episode #7

7th Episode

As Ghawar starts selling clothes, he stands up to some clients who try to harass the waitress of the restaurant where he eats. Ghawar gets injured and the girl insists on repaying him.


  • season 3
  • episode #8

8th Episode

Abu Antar decides to examine the prisoners to ensure that they are maintaining personal hygiene. Ghawar tries to borrow a hundred pounds to go to the city and help a woman.


  • season 3
  • episode #9

9th Episode

When the waitress's mother dies, everyone takes advantage of her loneliness and try to get her to wed one of them. Ghawar claims to be her fiancé but they decide to marry for real.


  • season 3
  • episode #10

10th Episode

Ghawar's wife gets pregnant. When Abu Antar is released, the three friends come together. Ghawar and his wife find work with a wealthy man.


  • season 3
  • episode #11

11th Episode

As Ghawar becomes familiar with his employer's children, he proves his efficency and his work ethics. Ghawar's wife, Noura, gives birth to a girl.


  • season 3
  • episode #12

12th Episode

Ghawar spends time with his wife and newborn daughter. Ghawar's employer takes advantage of his occupation with his work to try and rape his wife.


  • season 3
  • episode #13

13th Episode

When Ghawar asks his employer to throw a party for his 7-month-old daughter, Noura is concerned that the employer will try to rape her again. Ghawar's employer kills Noura and frames Ghawar for the crime.


  • season 3
  • episode #14

14th Episode

As Ghawar is questioned, Tahseen is summoned as a witness. Tahseen testifies against Ghawar after the killer bribes him.


  • season 3
  • episode #15

15th Episode

Ghawar is imprisoned. Abu Antar tries to find a way to get Ghawar released, especially with the International Friendship Day looming closer.


  • season 3
  • episode #16

16th Episode

Ghawar sends Abu Antar a letter, trying to prove his innocence. When he doesn't receive a response, he is consumed with despair.


  • season 3
  • episode #17

17th Episode

Tahseen decides to help Abu Antar by marrying him to his sister. The officer who questioned Ghawar visits him and they become friends.


  • season 3
  • episode #18

18th Episode

As years pass, Ghawar grows old until he is released on good behavior. As he tries to adapt to the changes to the outside world, he tries to look for his daughter.


  • season 3
  • episode #19

19th Episode

Ghawar discovers that Abu Al-Ezz sold the house 15 years ago. As he tries to look for his daughter and a job, he meets Ramez, the boy he saved all those years ago.


  • season 3
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Ramez and his mother allow Ghawar to spend the night as Ramez gets Ghawar a job as a security guard at a theater. Ramez helps Ghawar look for his daughter and check the archives.


  • season 3
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Ghawar and Ramez find a lead in the archives that leads them to an orphanage. As they discover where Ghawar's daughter works, they come up with a plan to see her.


  • season 3
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Ghawar finds an apartment close to his daughter's so that he could try and get close to her. Ramez enlists her roommate's help for their plan.


  • season 3
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Ghawar meets Abu Antar in the park on the International Friendship Day. After Ghawar, Abu Antar, and Ramez meet Amal and her friend, they come up with a plan to prove Ghawar's innocence.


  • season 3
  • episode #24

24th Episode

Ghawar disguises himself as a police officer to get journals that prove the guilt of his wife's murderer. Ghawar finds Tahseen's bag.


  • season 3
  • episode #25

25th Episode

As everyone grows fearful for Ramez who is writing scathing articles in a newspaper, Ramez gets arrested and framed for dealing drugs. Ghawar and Abu Antar try to find a way to get him out.


  • season 3
  • episode #26

26th Episode

Abu Antar devises a set up for the real murderer and Tahseen. Ghawar pretends to be a wealthy Arab as a part of their plan.


  • season 3
  • episode #27

27th Episode

Abu Antar and Ghawar successfully bring down the real culprit. After Ghawar confronts Abu Al-Ezz and Tahseen about their crimes, he reunites with his daughter.
