Title Content: Movie - I Love You, Man - 2009


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Peter is getting ready to get married to his fiancée Zooey, but since he has no friends, he can't find a best man for his wedding. But when he befriends Sydney, he gets more than he bargained for as he starts to disrupt his entire life.

This picture is an American comedy. The film was originally titled “Let’s Be Friends” before John Hamburg rewrote the script and directed the production. Peter Klaven and Zooey Rice are a recently engaged couple. However their engagement leads everyone to notice something quite odd. Whilst Zooey seems to have no shortage of people to share the good news with, Peter is positively stymied. Thus, it comes to everyone’s attention that Peter has never been very good at getting along with other men and thus he has no male friends to spend time with. In order to rectify this Peter tries to form friendships with different types of men but to no avail. Apparently, the world of “man dating” turns out to be much more challenging than he would have previously thought.