Every night (Wendy) tells her younger brothers (Michael) and (John) a story of the adventures of Peter Pan, who lives in Neverland, the land where children never grow up. One night (Peter Pan), enters...Read more their room with the little fairy (Tinker Bell) who lives with (Pan) and together they fight the evil pirate Captain (Hawk).
Favourite BEIN MOVIES FAMILY Channel | Monday 30 December | 12:30 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite BEIN MOVIES FAMILY Channel | Monday 30 December | 09:15 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite BEIN MOVIES FAMILY Channel | Tuesday 31 December | 06:30 AM | Reminder |
Every night (Wendy) tells her younger brothers (Michael) and (John) a story of the adventures of Peter Pan, who lives in Neverland, the land where children never grow up. One night...Read more (Peter Pan), enters their room with the little fairy (Tinker Bell) who lives with (Pan) and together they fight the evil pirate Captain (Hawk).