Abu Mufleh searches for Abu Khalifa’s house and asks him to treat Muqbil from his sadness and worry. Abu Khalifa discovers that Muqbil is a donkey.
Abu Ghanem (Ghanem's father) complains to Abu Khalifa about his son Ghanem’s disobedience and asks Abu Khalifa to stay in his house for a while until he reconciles things between him and Ghanem.
Abu Khalifa believes that his son is sick and tries to find out the reason for his worry and sadness. He discovers that he is sick because of his love for his cousin Qamasha, and he threatens to leave the house.
Abu Hamad visits Abu Khalifa at his home and asks him to perform a circumcision on him before his marriage.
Abu Khalifa quarrels with his son because the latter refuses to do wet cupping and work with his father. Abu Khalifa asks his servant Majeed to pretend that he is about to die so that his son can take on his work duties.
The people of the neighborhood meet to nominate a person to manage the affairs of the neighborhood. Abu Salem nominates Abu Khalifa for this position and begins to spread his electoral program and seeks the help of an analyst and consultant to help him in this.
Abu Khalifa becomes angry when he finds a lot of money with his son. The latter tells him that he has created a singing group with Majeed, so Abu Khalifa decides to work with him.
Shipmaster Abu Khaled asks Abu Khalifa to host his Indian wife in his house so that no one will know about his marriage to her, but many mishaps happen to Abu Khalifa.
Abu Khalifa is surprised by a football broker asking to buy Majeed to play for a sports club, so Abu Khalifa decides to become his manager.
Abu Khalifa marries Salma, and as she lives at home with her co-wife, Umm Khalifa (Khalifa's mother), several problems arise between them, then she tells him of her pregnancy.
The tripartite aggression against Egypt takes place, and Abu Khalifa decides to send his son Khalifa and his assistant Majeed to volunteer in the military, but they are caught throwing stones at foreigners in the town.
Khalifa agrees with Majeed to invite his friends while his parents are away from home, but Abu Khalifa comes and meets Khalifa's friends, who make him drink.
An employee of the British Embassy asks Abu Khalifa to travel with him to London to apply his theories there. Abu Khalifa’s family members quarrel over who should travel with him as a companion.
Issa turns to Abu Khalifa to cure his employer of the jinn, and Abu Khalifa forces him to do the housework, claiming that this is one of the requests of the jinn.
Umm Khalifa decides to open a moneylending office in exchange for financial interest, and Abu Khalifa is surprised by crowds of people in front of the house demanding their money.
Abu Rashid turns to Abu Khalifa to help him with the problem of his son, who talks to the wall all the time, and Abu Khalifa discovers that he can predict what will happen in the future.
Abu Khalifa tells his family about the TV asking for broadcasters and his signing up for that. Abu Khalifa promises to present cooking programs and promises his son and Qamasha that they will present segments on TV.
Umm Yunus asks to betroth Qamasha to her son, but Abu Khalifa refuses, and Khalifa threatens to commit suicide if he does not marry Qamasha.
Abu Khalifa is surprised when their neighbor's son, Saeed, enters the house and insists on staying in the chicken coop. Abu Khalifa discovers his madness and the madness of his father.
Umm Raad and her husband turn to Abu Khalifa to help them with their problem, as Umm Raad sees her husband as a monkey.
Abu Khalifa is surprised by the contamination of the water in the house's well. He seeks the help of a foreign expert, who informs him of the discovery of oil wells under his house.
Abu Khalifa gets a job as a marriage officiant, so his wife, Umm Khalifa, asks him to let her work as a matchmaker and in planning wedding parties.
Abu Khalifa asks his wife to prepare food from oysters, and he finds a pearl in them, and a dispute breaks out between him and Umm Khalifa over ownership of the pearl.
Khalifa turns to Umm Jaber, who breastfed him when he was young so that she could arbitrate between him and his father, and Abu Khalifa resents her control over the matter and her control over Khalifa.
Abu Khalifa promises to get Qamasha a job in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When Khalifa refuses to let her work and leave the house, the situation turns around and Abu Khalifa takes care of the household affairs so that the women can work.
Khalifa tells his parents that he has submitted his enrollment papers to Shuwaikh Secondary School, but Abu Khalifa quarrels with him and initially refuses.
The shipmaster's wife turns to Umm Khalifa to treat her daughter, and Umm Khalifa tells her of the necessity of setting up a witchcraft circle to cure her of the jinn, as she believes that a jinn is possessing her.
Abu Khalifa invents a medicine for Abushniter's disease, asks Majeed to take it, and conducts experiments on his family members before handing it over to Abu Fontas.
Abu Khalifa refuses to cooperate with the Statistics Authority employee, and Majeed writes his name in the books, so he gets a job. Qamasha decides to leave Khalifa and marry Majeed for this reason.
Khalifa gathers his friends to mediate with his mother to agree to marry him to Qamasha. She agrees and the wedding ceremony takes place.