Breaking Bad  (2008)  الاختلال الضال


After discovering he has lung cancer, chemistry teacher Walter White decides to recruit his ex-student Jesse Pinkman to help him set up a meth lab and sell it in New Mexico.

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Episodes (7 episodes)

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    After a terminal lung cancer diagnosis, chemistry teacher Walter White decides to start a crystal meth business and enlists the help of ex-student Jesse Pinkman.


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After discovering he has lung cancer, chemistry teacher Walter White decides to recruit his ex-student Jesse Pinkman to help him set up a meth lab and sell it in New Mexico.



A struggling high school chemistry teacher, Walter White (Bryan Cranston), is diagnosed with inoperable, advanced lung cancer. On a ride along with his DEA agent brother-in-law...Read more Hank (Dean Norris), Walter sees a former student of his, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), fleeing the scene of a meth lab. He later contacts Jesse and devises a scheme to become partners in an attempt to combine their skills to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine. Walter says he wants to provide financial stability for his pregnant wife, Skyler (Anna Gunn) and disabled son, and to pay for his expensive cancer treatment. During Walter and Jesse's first days of selling Albuquerque's finest meth, they encounter a series of problems with local drug dealers. He continues to produce meth despite these setbacks under the guise 'Heisenberg'. Despite having had several bad experiences while producing meth with Jesse, Walter agrees to rejoin his partner. The two begin producing meth but run into multiple problems. Jesse's friend Badger (Matt L. Jones) is arrested while selling meth in a sting operation. Walter hires a lawyer, Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), to help Badger. Walter and Jesse drive a recreational vehicle into the desert and produce meth for four days. Later, Combo, another of Jesse's friends and distributors, is killed by a rival gang for selling meth on their territory. Saul suggests the two find a new distribution model. Throughout this, Jesse has been building a relationship with his neighbor and landlord, Jane (Krysten Ritter). Jane is revealed to be recovering from addiction, but relapses and the two begin doing heroin. Saul finds them a new business partner, Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito), who is willing to pay $1.2 million for the 38 pounds of meth they produced. Walter hastily delivers the product to Gus, but misses his daughter's birth. Walt withholds Jesse's half of the money because of his drug use, but Jane finds out about it and blackmails Walt. Walt visits Jesse's house and sees Jane vomiting in her sleep, but does nothing to save her. Skyler confronts Walter about his frequent absences and excuses. She begins to piece together his secret life and demands that they separate. Walter wishes to reunite his family, but Skyler is still suspicious of Walter's second life. Walter believes he can mend the tension between them by confessing to her that he has been producing meth. Skyler is appalled by the confession and demands a formal divorce. Meanwhile, Gus offers to pay Walter US$3M for three months of his service. He even offers to provide Walter with a state-of-the-art production facility and a brilliant lab assistant, Gale (David Costabile). Jesse is continuing to produce and sell meth by himself. Hank is working with the DEA to investigate Jesse and is slowly gathering evidence to make an arrest. Jesse threatens to report Walter to the police if he is arrested, but Walter offers him Gale's position at the lab. After obtaining the position, Jesse begins stealing meth from the lab and selling it in secret on the side. Jesse gets romantically involved with a woman he meets in his rehab group and learns her kid brother, age 11, was put up by Gus and his street dealers to kill Combo. Jesse decides to avenge Combo. Walter aids Jesse in escaping from Gus's wrath. Gus begins to lose trust in Walter and asks Gale to take over the lab. He orders his henchmen to kill Walter and Jesse. After he is abducted by the henchmen, Walter instructs Jesse over the phone to kill Gale in order to force Gus not to kill Walter (and, by extension, Jesse) lest he eliminate his only remaining trained chemist. Jesse follows Walter's instructions and murders Gale. Gus decides to discipline the two by enforcing stricter policies at the lab. He also tries to break Walter and Jesse's friendship by assigning them to separate work details. While Walter works in the meth lab, Jesse escorts Mike (Jonathan Banks), one of Gus’s enforcers, to retrieve payments and provide back-up. Walter and Jesse become increasingly distant from, and hostile to, each other. Meanwhile, Hank, who has been recovering from his last engagement with the cartel, finds evidence linking Gale to Gus. He believes Gus is a major drug distributor and starts looking for tangible evidence to file charges. Gus realizes Walter's close ties with Hank could jeopardize his entire operation. Gus fires Walter and threatens to kill his entire family. Jesse and Walter put their differences aside and agree to murder Gus, convincing former cartel enforcer Hector Salamanca to detonate a suicide bomb; Hector succeeds in this endeavor, killing himself, Gus, and Tyrus, Gus's henchman. Walter and Jesse then destroy the meth lab and Walter declares to his wife, "I won." Walter, Jesse, and Mike begin working together to create a new meth production and distribution operation following Gus Fring’s death. Mike handles all business operations while Walter and Jesse work with a team of house fumigators to produce meth in tented houses. Despite the new business model, Hank and the DEA are able to identify nine prison inmates and one lawyer who possess potential criminal ties to Mike. Walter kills Mike and then hires a white supremacist gang to murder the informants from within prison. Without any interference from the DEA, Walter is able to accrue about $80M before he decides to retire. Shortly later, Hank is invited to the Whites’ home, where he unintentionally stumbles upon one of Walter’s books with a signed message from Gale Boetticher. He realizes that Walter is the infamous Heisenberg and secretly restarts the investigation. Hank forms an alliance with Jesse, who now despises Walter for all his wrong doings. Left with no other options, Walter hires the white supremacist gang once again to murder Jesse. Walter attempts to confront Jesse in the desert but he is instead trapped and arrested by Hank. The prison gang arrives and engages Hank in a fierce firefight. The gang executes Hank despite Walter’s pleas. Jesse is captured, tortured, and then coerced to produce meth for the gang. Skyler and Walter Jr. are distraught over Hank’s death and hold Walter accountable. They refuse to leave Albuquerque with Walter and instead contact the police.


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  • Actor Samuel L. Jackson has admitted in interviews that he is a huge fan of Breaking Bad. At one...Read more point, both Breaking Bad and "Marvel's The Avengers" were filming on separate lots in the same Albuquerque, New Mexico studio. Samuel Jackson wanted to have a cameo appearance in which he walked on to the set of Los Pollos Hermanos, dressed as Nick Fury, completely unannounced as if he were a customer buying chicken from the restaurant. Unfortunately the plans fell through as the shooting schedule didn't allow enough time for him to break away from the set of the Avengers, as the Avengers shot during the night, while Breaking Bad shot during the day.
  • Actor Samuel L. Jackson has admitted in interviews that he is a huge fan of Breaking Bad. At one...Read more point, both Breaking Bad and "Marvel's The Avengers" were filming on separate lots in the same Albuquerque, New Mexico studio. Samuel Jackson wanted to have a cameo appearance in which he walked on to the set of Los Pollos Hermanos, dressed as Nick Fury, completely unannounced as if he were a customer buying chicken from the restaurant. Unfortunately the plans fell through as the shooting schedule didn't allow enough time for him to break away from the set of the Avengers, as the Avengers shot during the night, while Breaking Bad shot during the day.
  • Walter White's alias, Heisenberg, is a tribute to Werner Heisenberg, who formulated the uncertainty...Read more principle, which states that it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and velocity of an electron or any other particle with any great degree of accuracy or certainty.
  • The first episode to the second half of Season 5 is dedicated to Kevin Cordasco, a teen Superfan of...Read more the show who died of cancer in March of 2013. Before his death Kevin was able to meet Bryan Cranston, Vince Gilligan and other prominent members of the Breaking Bad family, and he was even offered the chance to read the final scripts of the series so he would know how the show ends. Kevin declined, as he didn't think he could keep the secret.


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