Majed is accused of killing his cousin Mikhlif, and the latter's father pardons him despite Rawad's testimony against Majed and confirmation that he is the killer. Majed decides to search for the real perpetrator, and things get worse between him and Mikhlif's sister, Rahaf.
Majed assures his beloved Rahaf that he did not kill her brother and promises to search for the killer. Majed quarrels with Rawad, an unknown person shoots Majed, and Rahaf's mother rejects her daughter's relationship with Majed.
Majed bids farewell to his mother to search for Mikhlif's killer. Rawad agrees with Marad to steal Abu Mikhlif's horse, and Rawad will return it to gain Abu Mikhlif's trust. Majed saves Muhaisen from certain death after an unknown person shot him.
Majed takes Muhaisen to his tribe, and before he takes his last breath, he bequeaths half of what he owns to Majid. Rawad asks to marry Rahaf, but she refuses, and her mother tries to force her to do so.
Majed returns his property to his tribe, which ignites the flames of anger of Rawad. Major gives his friend Falah part of his property to care for his mother while he's away.
Majed returns Mikhlif's horse to the latter's father, which renews his suspicion that Majed killed Mikhlif. Majed asks to marry Rahaf, and her father asks for a large dowry for her. Rawad agrees with Marad to kill Abu Mikhlif.
Rahaf saves her father from certain death. Majed travels to trade and bring Rahaf's dowry. During his return, Marad comes across Majed and shoots him, but Thamer saves him.
Rawad shoots Abu Mikhlif, and when Majed returns, he decides to search for Abu Mikhlif. Rawad tries to convince everyone that Majed is behind what happened to Abu Mikhlif.
Majed rescues Abu Mikhlif and returns with him to the tribe. Rawad seeks to kill Majed, so Abu Mikhlif expels him from the tribe. Marad kills Rawad, and everyone accuses Majed of killing him.
Majed decides to leave the tribe with his mother and asks Falah to take care of his property, and Abu Mikhlif falls ill.
Majed lives with his mother in Mafuz's village, and the latter is angry that Umm Majed invited Mazloum to her house despite the fact that he robbed Mafuz. Falah decides to go looking for Majed to return him to the tribe.
Falah meets Majed and asks him to return, and Mafuz apologizes to Umm Majed for what he did to her.
Majed decides to leave Mafuz's village, so Mazloum decides to take revenge on the latter, and then Majed resides in the Fahid tribe. The latter tries to find out the secret that Majed is hiding.
Fahid asks his sister to help him uncover what Majed and his mother are hiding, so Majed tells him that he has left his tribe after being accused of killing Rawad.
Umm Majed tries to convince her son to return to their tribe. Rahaf tries to mediate with her father to agree to Majed's return to the tribe, but the latter quarrels with Mafuz and the latter falls dead after a snake bite, so Sattam accuses Majed of killing him.
Sattam demands Fahid demands that Majed be handed over to him so that he can take revenge on him, but Majed escapes from Al-Deira and asks Judge Abu Freih to rule in his case.
Abu Saleh visits Umm Majed and tells her that Abu Mikhlif has agreed to her and her son's return to the tribe. The judge orders a pardon for Majed in exchange for his paying blood money to Sattam. Marad confesses to what he did and then dies, and Majed returns to the tribe.
Abu Mikhlif regrets his bad opinion of Majed. Thamer visits the latter, admires Rahaf, and decides to propose marriage to her without knowing Majed's love for her.
Majed proposes to Rahaf for his friend Thamer, and Rahaf gets angry and agrees to his marriage proposal as revenge against Majed.
Rahaf tells Thamer on their wedding night that Majed has sacrificed his love, so Thamer insists on returning Rahaf to her family’s house so that Majed can marry her.