A historical drama set in the beginning of the 20th century, shedding light on the end of the Ottoman Empire and the fall of the Caliphate, and the entry of Arab armies into Syria in 1918 until the...Read more invasion of the French colonial forces to the Levant and Syria in 1920.
Fajr helps Ismail travel to defend his country against the French occupation. When he arrives in Beirut, the French harass Salma, so Ismail rescues her. She shoots the latter, who finds himself in Abu Fard’s house.
A historical drama set in the beginning of the 20th century, shedding light on the end of the Ottoman Empire and the fall of the Caliphate, and the entry of Arab armies into Syria...Read more in 1918 until the invasion of the French colonial forces to the Levant and Syria in 1920.