An animated series that deals with the characters of Papa Farhan, Grandpa Sarhan, and Umm El Khair, through introducing an educational and humanitarian message for children. In this season, Abdul...Read more Jabbar and Makar try to steal Grandpa Sarhan's book to seize the great treasure.
As Abdul Jabbar asks his assistant Habar to steal Grandpa Sarhan's book because it contains a large treasure map, he agrees with the two thieves, Asim and Mutee' on that. Meanwhile, Grandpa Sarhan rages when he discovers that Umm El Khair has thrown his book in the garbage.
An animated series that deals with the characters of Papa Farhan, Grandpa Sarhan, and Umm El Khair, through introducing an educational and humanitarian message for children. In...Read more this season, Abdul Jabbar and Makar try to steal Grandpa Sarhan's book to seize the great treasure.