Will Smith and son Jaden co-star as the legendary Cypher and son Kitai, who crash land on an abandoned Earth a millennium after humanity's escape. With Cypher injured, teenage Kitai has to brave the...Read more hostile environment, brimming with aggressive evolved animal species and aliens, on his own to look for help.
Favourite MBC MAX Channel | Wednesday 29 January | 12:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC MAX Channel | Thursday 30 January | 01:30 AM | Reminder |
Will Smith and son Jaden co-star as the legendary Cypher and son Kitai, who crash land on an abandoned Earth a millennium after humanity's escape. With Cypher injured, teenage...Read more Kitai has to brave the hostile environment, brimming with aggressive evolved animal species and aliens, on his own to look for help.