Follows the story of change in Iraq, from the downfall of the former regime, the beginnings of the war, and the American invasion, to the present moment, through three characters: Mustafa Saeed, a...Read more politician opposed to the former regime, Kanaan, a well-known media personality who exposes corruption, and Raafat Mansour, a corrupt government official.
As the journalist Ruwaida interviews politician Mustafa Saeed and Mr. Raafat Mansour, a huge controversy occurs among the guests, so Ruwaida tries to contain the situation as much as possible.
Follows the story of change in Iraq, from the downfall of the former regime, the beginnings of the war, and the American invasion, to the present moment, through three characters:...Read more Mustafa Saeed, a politician opposed to the former regime, Kanaan, a well-known media personality who exposes corruption, and Raafat Mansour, a corrupt government official.