Set against the backdrop of a struggle between good and evil, a wealthy man, Azmi Bek, has his life turned upside down when he falls for a widow who lives next door, despite being a married man and a...Read more father.
A thief sneaks into the house of Azmi Bek, causing panic among his family, so he calls the police and have them investigate the incident. Sherif beats up a man who insults him and ridicules his father’s job. Yasmine suffers from being commanded and pushed around by her brother-in-law.
Favourite SBC Channel | Sunday 22 December | 03:00 AM | Reminder | |
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Favourite SBC Channel | Sunday 22 December | 04:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite SBC Channel | Monday 23 December | 03:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite SBC Channel | Monday 23 December | 08:00 AM | Reminder |
Set against the backdrop of a struggle between good and evil, a wealthy man, Azmi Bek, has his life turned upside down when he falls for a widow who lives next door, despite being...Read more a married man and a father.