Despite the disapproval of her vengeful stepmother, Cinderella receives unexpected help from the mice Guss and Jaq as well as a fairy carriage, dress, and shoes in order to attend the prince's dance.
After the Prince found Cinderella and married her ,they lived a wonderful romantic story in the palace. In her early days, Cinderella suffers from unusual royal customs and learns to become a princess. But at the same time without giving up the company of her old friends, she also helps one of her...Read more annoying stepsisters to find true love.
Lady Tremaine gets the Fairy Godmother's wand, and goes back in time to the day when the prince was searching for Cinderella by her glass slipper that she left in the a party at midnight. She enlarges it to fit one of the step daughters, erasing the prince's memory, and Cinderella must stop her evil...Read more scheme and defend her love for the prince.