The story of the Nubian boy, Bakkar, who goes on a lot of adventures with his goat, Rashida, and his friends Hassouna, Faris, and Hamam. As Bakkar enters the age of technology, his adventures take a...Read more different turn as the thief, Musharat, appears.
Bakkar tries to warn Hassouna about his constant waste of water, and he refuses to listen to him. But when Hassouna gets thirsty, he discovers that the water is cut off in the entire village, and he regrets not listening to Bakkar.
The story of the Nubian boy, Bakkar, who goes on a lot of adventures with his goat, Rashida, and his friends Hassouna, Faris, and Hamam. As Bakkar enters the age of technology, his...Read more adventures take a different turn as the thief, Musharat, appears.