A'd Tanazoly  (2014)  Countdown


This police television drama revolves around Selim and his wife who live an average, stable life. However, their lives are disrupted when Selim ends up in a situation that forces him to commit...Read more numerous crimes. This is when Lieutenant Hamza enters the scene to chase down Selim, setting the events in motion.

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Episodes (30 episodes)

  • episode #1:

    Upon officer Hamza's advice, the execution of the death sentence against Selim Fawaz is postponed after he threatens to assassinate the Assistant Secretary of the Minister of Interior. However, the Assistant Secretary is assassinated following Selim's execution.


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This police television drama revolves around Selim and his wife who live an average, stable life. However, their lives are disrupted when Selim ends up in a situation that forces...Read more him to commit numerous crimes. This is when Lieutenant Hamza enters the scene to chase down Selim, setting the events in motion.


  • Category:
  • Series

  • Is this a coloured title?:
  • Yes

  • Filming Locations
  • Egypt

  • Episodes:
  • 30 episodes (more)


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