The story of Akram, who wishes to live a normal life, and decides to go to Basra to propose to Amal. Meanwhile, Muhannad accuses Jabbar of theft, and after Jabbar dies in a theft accident, his wife...Read more refuses that his son work for Fouad.
Jabbar is sad because his son wants to leave school and work, while Akram is a crippled young man who wishes to live a normal life. Fouad quarrels with his son Imran so that he would leave college and work with him in the market.
The story of Akram, who wishes to live a normal life, and decides to go to Basra to propose to Amal. Meanwhile, Muhannad accuses Jabbar of theft, and after Jabbar dies in a theft...Read more accident, his wife refuses that his son work for Fouad.