Saeed is a successful businessman, whose life revolves around women, whom he lavishes with money, but every time he gets deceived by one of them until he hires his secretary, Samia, who is able to...Read more make drastic changes in his life, accompanied by his friend, Metwally.
As Saeed employs Nashwa as a secretary in his office, she tries to exploit his dissatisfaction with his wife, Madiha, and their marital life, to dupe him. But when Nashwa learns that Saeed is not willing to marry her, she reproaches him.
Saeed is a successful businessman, whose life revolves around women, whom he lavishes with money, but every time he gets deceived by one of them until he hires his secretary,...Read more Samia, who is able to make drastic changes in his life, accompanied by his friend, Metwally.