The story of the young man Abdel Latif, who has a Kuwaiti father and an Egyptian mother. When his uncle arrives from Egypt, Abdel Latif dreams of using his wealth to make his dreams come true. But...Read more little does he know that his uncle has his own designs of relying on Abdel Latif to achieve his dreams.
As Abdel Latif tells his friends that he is in love with a girl whom he wants to marry, he is surprised when his Egyptian mother presses him to marry a girl of her choice.
The story of the young man Abdel Latif, who has a Kuwaiti father and an Egyptian mother. When his uncle arrives from Egypt, Abdel Latif dreams of using his wealth to make his...Read more dreams come true. But little does he know that his uncle has his own designs of relying on Abdel Latif to achieve his dreams.