The series revolves around the life of drug addicts, as wife Mariam, returns to addiction after a large period of quitting, which strains her relationship with her husband Hatem, and her friends and...Read more family try to help her overcome her problems, and stay away from addiction.
Mariam returns from abroad with her husband Hatem to settle down in Egypt. She goes to the cemetery for Ramy's ninth death anniversary, where she meets his family and his mother reproaches her.
Favourite Egyptian TV Channel | Sunday 5 January | 04:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Aloula Channel | Sunday 5 January | 04:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Aloula Channel | Sunday 5 January | 09:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Egyptian TV Channel | Sunday 5 January | 09:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Aloula Channel | Monday 6 January | 04:00 AM | Reminder |
The series revolves around the life of drug addicts, as wife Mariam, returns to addiction after a large period of quitting, which strains her relationship with her husband Hatem,...Read more and her friends and family try to help her overcome her problems, and stay away from addiction.