The series tells three main stories: Hala (Rania Youssef) who suffers from the cruelty of her uncle who unlawfully seized her inheritance, Kitty (Zeina) an orphan girl who wanders all the time between...Read more those she knows, and Yehia (Ahmed Zaher) who's going through a psychological crisis.
After Mounir dies, his wife Amany loses her mind and goes to a mental hospital. When Amany escapes, her daughter, Hala looks for her. She has an argument with her uncle about her inheritance. Kitty is lonely because she's an orphan who moves from one family to the next.
The series tells three main stories: Hala (Rania Youssef) who suffers from the cruelty of her uncle who unlawfully seized her inheritance, Kitty (Zeina) an orphan girl who wanders...Read more all the time between those she knows, and Yehia (Ahmed Zaher) who's going through a psychological crisis.