The series follows a group of Syrian refugees who escape violence and death in their homeland and move to Lebanon, from the husband whose wife flees to the US, to the incapacitated mother forced to...Read more bear witness to the events, to those who support the Assad regime.
Warda works as a secretary at a mall. She refuses to wed the elderly Abu Riad due to the age difference between them.
Favourite MBC Channel | Monday 20 January | 08:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC Channel | Tuesday 21 January | 01:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC Channel | Tuesday 21 January | 08:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC Channel | Wednesday 22 January | 01:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC Channel | Wednesday 22 January | 08:00 AM | Reminder |
The series follows a group of Syrian refugees who escape violence and death in their homeland and move to Lebanon, from the husband whose wife flees to the US, to the incapacitated...Read more mother forced to bear witness to the events, to those who support the Assad regime.