The series takes place in Ain El Jaouzeh, a village on Lebanon's southern border, between 1920 and 1945 during French colonialism. It follows the struggle between village elders and notables allied...Read more with Amin and the occupation. To maintain their rights, Sheikh Musa supports simple farmers who are fighting Amin and his allies.
Saeed asks Amin and the men to deal harshly with the people of Ain El Jaouzeh. The child Abbas, and his family suffer from poverty and hunger. Saeed asks Abu Abbas to give up his land to him. The French become more strict against the people of the village after Saeed’s incitement against them.
The series takes place in Ain El Jaouzeh, a village on Lebanon's southern border, between 1920 and 1945 during French colonialism. It follows the struggle between village elders...Read more and notables allied with Amin and the occupation. To maintain their rights, Sheikh Musa supports simple farmers who are fighting Amin and his allies.