Episodes: Series - Tawk El Banat 2: Kaid Al-Nisaa - 2015

  • season 2
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Frantz advocates for Abu Taleb (Taleb's father) and gets him released. Abu Taleb rejoices when he learns his wife gave birth to a baby boy.


  • season 2
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

Camellia decides to return to France, and Frantz congratulates Abu Taleb on his release and his newly-acquired freedom.


  • season 2
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Colonel Frantz quits his job and asks Abu Taleb to wed him his daughter Mariam. Hamza decides to search for Mal Al-Sham's family.


  • season 2
  • episode #4

4th Episode

Abu Taleb rejects Frantz's proposal because he wouldn't wed his daughter to a non-Muslim. Hamza tirelessly tries to find Mal Al-Sham's family.


  • season 2
  • episode #5

5th Episode

As Frantz gets eager to learn about the Levant, their customs and traditions, he delves deeper into the spiritual world of the Islamic religion and eventually converts to Islam to marry Mariam.


  • season 2
  • episode #6

6th Episode

Frantz and Mariam get married and she notices a necklace similar to hers around his neck. Umm Hassan promises to look into the matter.


  • season 2
  • episode #7

7th Episode

Umm Hassan (Hassan's mother) confirms that Mal Al-Sham is indeed Abu Taleb's daughter and she returned to her family. Talal asks Hamza to wed him Mal Al-Sham.


  • season 2
  • episode #8

8th Episode

Hamza tells Abu Taleb that Fariz has been inciting Abbas against him. Hamza accepts to marry Mal Al-Sham to Talal.


  • season 2
  • episode #9

9th Episode

Hassan tells Mariam that the French troops interfered to get Frantz to leave her. As time passes by, Mariam marries Hassan. Morad Agha (military leader) returns to the Levant and gets mad when he learns that Abu Taleb has been chosen mayor to the neighborhood.


  • season 2
  • episode #10

10th Episode

As'aad incites the Agha against Abu Taleb and fights to secure his way to the mayorship of the neighborhood. Hamza gets upset when Talal disappears and leaves Mal Al-Sham without prior notice; his attempts to find him are futile.


  • season 2
  • episode #11

11th Episode

It soon unfolds that Morad Agha is but a gluttonous man who fancies the throne but loses it to Abu Taleb. As'aad still tries to turn the Agha against Abu Taleb. The Agha refuses to accept Abu Al-Ezz's resignation to ensure he covers him.


  • season 2
  • episode #12

12th Episode

The Agha gets his men to shoot at Abu Taleb but the latter's son, Taleb, receives the shot instead. As Fawaz gets arrested, the Agha smuggles him out to ensure he doesn't divulge his name.


  • season 2
  • episode #13

13th Episode

Abu Taleb ceaselessly looks for the perpetrator who intended harm to him and his son. Fawaz recovers but refuses to tell Abu Al-Ezz who shot him.


  • season 2
  • episode #14

14th Episode

After the Agha's continuous attempts to have Taleb murdered, Taleb recovers. It is revealed that Lam'at wanted to marry Abu Taleb in the past but he rejected her.


  • season 2
  • episode #15

15th Episode

Fearing that Hassan might reach the truth about Abu Taleb's assailants, the Agha decides to kill Hassan. The Agha refuses Abu Taleb's offer to step down and let him become the mayor, and Lam'at convinces the Agha to accept to be Abu Taleb's deputy.


  • season 2
  • episode #16

16th Episode

The Agha frames the Frenchman for murder. He accepts to become Abu Taleb's deputy. As Lam'at divulges to the Agha sensitive information about Abu Taleb's family, he decides to use it against his family. The Agha harasses Aziza.


  • season 2
  • episode #17

17th Episode

Abu Taleb carries out his duties as a new mayor, trying to help the poor and the needy. Meanwhile, the Agha gnaws at Abu Taleb's attempts in order to ruin his rule. Lam'at takes to sorcery to cause havoc to Abu Taleb's family.


  • season 2
  • episode #18

18th Episode

The Agha sets fire to tailor Abu Shawkat's store. His attempts to murder Taleb are doomed to failure. Hassan cooperates with the police to find Abu Taleb's enemy.


  • season 2
  • episode #19

19th Episode

Lam'at enacts her plan to ruin Mariam's marriage by casting a spell preventing her from approaching her husband. Hassan resumes his collaboration with the police.


  • season 2
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Hassan and Abu Taleb's family wonder why Mariam has been acting strangely lately. Umm Hassan tirelessly tries to find Talal.


  • season 2
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Mariam relapses and grows abhorrent of her husband, which jollies up the Agha who gets a step closer to bring about the destruction of Abu Taleb's family.


  • season 2
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Hassan falls deeper into depression now that Mariam keeps away from him. Umm Taleb suggests her husband step down to focus primarily on the surging family tragedies.


  • season 2
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Abu Yahia wants to keep it a secret that he is trying to catch Abu Taleb's bitter enemy. Hamza learns that Hasan is the one behind his murder attempt. Abu Al-Ezz runs away with his daughter to evade the Agha.


  • season 2
  • episode #24

24th Episode

A concerned Mohamed returns to the Levant to see his sick mother. Abu Taleb does his best to protect his family.


  • season 2
  • episode #25

25th Episode

Hassan starts implementing his plan. Umm Hassan affirms that Mariam is stupefied by a spell. Hamza grows infatuated with Aziza. Lam'at starts approaching Umm Saber. The Agha tries to overthrow Abu Taleb.


  • season 2
  • episode #26

26th Episode

Hassan discards the idea that it is Fariz behind the tragedies befalling Abu Taleb's family; Fariz is long dead indeed. The Agha takes a new approach as he starts defaming Abu Taleb.


  • season 2
  • episode #27

27th Episode

Sheikha Na'iema affirms that Mariam is indeed stupefied. Abu Taleb urges his wife to be careful with the women of the neighborhood.


  • season 2
  • episode #28

28th Episode

Hasan lies to Hamza claiming it is Talal who wanted him dead. Esmat threatens Lam'at and urges her to transfer the estate to As'aad's property.


  • season 2
  • episode #29

29th Episode

Hassan suspects the traitor is an inside traitor and Abu Taleb starts looking into the matter. Aziza gets the money to ensure she and her father can run away.


  • season 2
  • episode #30

30th Episode

Hasan takes revenge on Hamza, and the latter forgives Hasan as he learns of his brother's story. The Agha catch Abu Al-Ezz and Aziza. Lam'at kills Abu Taleb.
