The film revolves around the use of technology by El Qarmouti, when he travels on vacation, he accidentally gets captured by Isis regime, as he shows their misinterpretation of religion. He's...Read more confronted by more than a scenario; will he joins them, or try to correct their views, or escape.
Favourite Rotana Comedy Channel | Saturday 21 December | 02:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Rotana Comedy Channel | Saturday 21 December | 10:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Rotana Comedy Channel | Sunday 22 December | 06:00 AM | Reminder |
The film revolves around the use of technology by El Qarmouti, when he travels on vacation, he accidentally gets captured by Isis regime, as he shows their misinterpretation of...Read more religion. He's confronted by more than a scenario; will he joins them, or try to correct their views, or escape.