Add/Update Information: Series - Khaleel Allah (Ibrahim Alihe Al-Salam) - 2015

    Basic Details

    Title خليل الله (إبراهيم عليه السلام)
    Title in English The Friend of Allah (Abraham PBUH)
    Title's Translation Khaleel Allah (Ibrahim Alihe Al-Salam)
    Original Title
    Release Year 2015
    Runtime 25
    Category Series
    Status Released
    Is this a coloured title? Yes
    Egyptian Censorship
    MPAA Censorship
    Movie Budget 0
    Release Date
    19 June 2015 Egypt false
    Filming Locations
    Social Media Links


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Ashraf Abdelghafour 1
    2) Samy El Adl 2
    3) Ahmad Rateb 3
    4) Hanan Metawea 4
    5) Samira Abdelaziz 5
    6) Ahmad Maher 6
    7) Marwa Abdel Monem 7
    8) Sanaa Shafea 8
    9) Wafaa Salem 9
    10) Ahmed Abdel Wareth 10
    11) Tarek Allam 11
    12) Nadia Rashad 12
    13) Aida Fahmy 13
    14) Mostafa Hashish 14
    15) Mohamed Abdel Gawad 15
    16) Nasser Seif 16
    17) Diaa Abdel Khaleq 17
    18) Ahmed Elshafei 18
    19) Jehad Abu Al Enain 19

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) ATA Art Production Producer 3
    2) Ahmed Taha Producer 4

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Ahmed Hassan Director 1

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Mohammed Hilal Scriptwriter 1

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Hala mohey eldeen Editor 2

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Ahmed Hassan Director 2

    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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    Name Synopses Official ? Options
    Tarek Sharkawy The plot deals with the life story of Prophet Abraham and the message that God sent with him to mankind, shedding light on the most significant events in his life, including the destruction of idols, his subjection to burning, God's command to sacrifice Ishmael, and the construction of the Kaaba. 297


    Name Summaries Official ? Options
    Tarek Sharkawy An animated series retelling the Islamic version of the story of Abraham. 73


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    Season Episode Duration Title Summaries Video Options
    1 1 16 1st Episode Hassan and Saad go to their sheikh to tell them the story of...Read more Prophet Abraham. The story begins where Terah tells King Nimrod that he saw a vision of a child threatening his throne, so the king orders that married couples be separated from each other and that young male children be killed. 290
    1 2 16 2nd Episode As Hassan asks their grandfather sheikh about the name of...Read more Abraham's father, he tells them that the most likely opinion is that his name is Terah. The entourage tries to make their king Nimrod happy and bring him a group of prisoners to watch them being killed. 260
    1 3 16 3rd Episode As Terah's wife says that she is sick and will go to live in...Read more the cave, she gives birth to her son Abraham without telling her husband Terah so that King Nimrod does not learn of the news. The boy Abraham grows up and throws idols on the ground, of which his father, Terah, learns. 280
    1 4 16 4th Episode Terah is advised to wed his son Abraham in order to leave...Read more the affairs of the idols and not cause himself problems, after which Abraham marries Sarah. 149
    1 5 16 5th Episode Abraham's mother tells her husband, Terah, that his son...Read more Haran's wife has given birth to his son, whose name is Lot. The high priest tells King Nimrod that no one is threatening his throne and that Terah's words and visions are unreal. 234
    1 6 16 6th Episode Abraham's mother says that King Nimrod is throwing a big...Read more party in the country. Abraham tries to convince people over and over to quit idolatry, but they don't heed his words. 174
    1 7 16 7th Episode As Abraham goes to the temple and smashes all the idols...Read more except for one, he leaves the ax on its shoulder as a way to argue with people, but when King Nimrod learns that Abraham destroyed the idols, he loses his head. 216
    1 8 16 8th Episode Terah is angry with his son Abraham. Nimrod orders Abraham's...Read more imprisonment and the preparation of the catapult and pyre for his punishment. 138
    1 9 16 9th Episode The soldiers of King Nimrod throw Abraham into the fire, but...Read more God Almighty makes it cool and safe on his body, whereupon people wonder about what happened and talk about the miracle. The king orders his soldiers not to harm Abraham and his family. 246
    1 10 16 10th Episode Abraham's brother throws himself into the fire in order for...Read more the miracle to be repeated with him, but he then dies. King Nimrod enters into an argument with Abraham, who wins a victory over him. 193
    1 11 16 11th Episode Abraham's mother dies, and his father promises him to...Read more believe in God. Abraham and his family migrate to Harran. 111
    1 12 16 12th Episode Terah calls people to worship idols and tells them that...Read more idols bring them closer to the Lord of Abraham, so the latter disavows him and his brother. 147
    1 13 16 13th Episode Abraham tries to bring his father Terah back on the track of...Read more righteousness and to make him believe in God before his death, but to no avail, and his father dies as an infidel. 175
    1 14 16 14th Episode As Abraham migrates to Damascus, the king learns of...Read more Abraham's arrival and prepares to confront him. Abraham defeats the king of Damascus in the battle, refuses to settle in it, and tells its people that he'll migrate to call people to believe in God. 250
    1 15 16 15th Episode As Abraham migrates to Egypt, the pharaoh king of Egypt...Read more learns of his arrival and orders his men to kidnap Sarah and bring her to his palace. 141
    1 16 16 16th Episode The pharaoh wins his battle over the Canaanites and captures...Read more Hagar. Also, he tries to attack Sarah, who calls out to God, upon which he suffers severe pain in his body. 168
    1 17 16 17th Episode Abraham leaves Egypt and asks Lot to migrate to the people...Read more of Sodom. Abraham asks God Almighty to show him His power and the miracle of resurrecting the dead. 158
    1 18 16 18th Episode God Almighty sends a mosquito army to defeat King Nimrod and...Read more his soldiers, and a mosquito enters Nimrod's nose, causing him to suffer and die. Lot attempts to reform the people of Sodom and the corrupt acts they commit. 219
    1 19 16 19th Episode Abraham invokes God to save the son of his brother Lot from...Read more the people of Sodom. The Assyrians defeat the people of Sodom most severely. 136
    1 20 16 20th Episode Abraham receives God's revelation, and he tells his wife...Read more Sarah that he, Hagar, and their son Ishmael will emigrate, and that she will stay in the town. 151
    1 21 16 21st Episode The revelation comes again to Abraham, whereupon he leaves...Read more his wife Hagar and his son Ishmael in Mecca. As Hagar runs 7 times between the hills of Safa and Marwa, the miracle occurs when she finds the sacred Zamzam Well under the feet of her newborn, Ishmael. 259
    1 22 16 22nd Episode Lot's wife quarrels with him and complains to the king, who...Read more orders him to leave people alone and stop calling them to believe in God. Allah sends his angels to Lot's people. 173
    1 23 16 23rd Episode The angels announce to Abraham and Sarah that she will give...Read more birth to Isaac, after which the angels tell Lot that they came to inflict punishment on his people. 159
    1 24 16 24th Episode The angels tell Lot to leave the village without looking...Read more behind, after which Gabriel inflicts punishment on Lot's people for the immorality and injustice they committed in their lives. 184
    1 25 16 25th Episode God’s prophet Abraham sees in a dream that he is...Read more slaughtering his son Ishmael. As Satan whispers in Ishmael's ear, the prophet stones him with seven stones. Abraham takes his son Ishmael up to the mountain to slaughter him, but God redeems him with a great sacrifice. 267
    1 26 16 26th Episode Ishmael marries a girl from the Amalekites. As Abraham comes...Read more to his house and asks his wife about food and drink, she tells him that they're in distress. Abraham sends his son a message with his wife to change his doorstep, so Ishmael understands it, divorces his wife, and marries a girl called Raeya. 302
    1 27 16 27th Episode God Almighty commands Abraham and his son Ishmael to lay the...Read more foundation to build the honorable Kaaba, and then Abraham gives permission to the people to come for Hajj. 167
    1 28 16 28th Episode Sarah, Prophet Abraham's wife, dies, and he grieves greatly....Read more Ishmael stands up to the infidels' attempt to sell idols in front of the Kaaba. 140
    1 29 16 29th Episode As Hagar, Prophet Abraham's wife, dies, Abraham and her son,...Read more Ishmael, are deeply saddened. 90
    1 30 16 Finale Before the death of God’s prophet Abraham, he remembers his...Read more suffering with his people, his mission in many of God’s lands, his wives, and his children. 151