The events take place in the 1980s, revolving around the life of Hisham. As he returns from the Gulf where he has been working, his life takes a turn when his daughter Gamila gets in an accident with...Read more the driver Rady. Gradually, Hisham begins to uncover secrets about his wife, Mariam
The accountant Hisham returns to his wife Mona in Egypt during the assassination of Sadat, and their daughter Gamila has a car accident, while the police begin a series of arrests.
The events take place in the 1980s, revolving around the life of Hisham. As he returns from the Gulf where he has been working, his life takes a turn when his daughter Gamila gets...Read more in an accident with the driver Rady. Gradually, Hisham begins to uncover secrets about his wife, Mariam