17 May 2018 | Egypt | true |
Drama | |
Thriller | |
Action |
Egypt |
Arabic |
youtube | playlist?list=PLEywN28C5m6ricm5I_xIbw2SDjNaASAum |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Peter Mimi | Director | 1 | |
2) | Khairy Salem | 2 | ||
3) | Maya Ashraf Zaki | 3 | ||
4) | Abdel Rahman Abu Ghazala | 4 | ||
5) | kamal el than | 5 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Kholoud Said | 4 | ||
2) | Ahmed Fayez | 5 | ||
3) | Nora Keshk | 8 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Synergy Art Production | Producer | 4 | |
2) | Tamer Morsi | Producer | 5 | |
3) | Fathy Ismail | 6 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Saif Oraiby | 4 | ||
2) | Mohamed Mohsen | 5 | ||
3) | Mohamed Medhat | 6 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Tarek Aloush | 3 | ||
2) | Mohamed El Daly | 4 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Hussien Asar | 3 | ||
2) | Haitham Nasser | 4 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Eslam Salem | 3 | ||
2) | Abdallah Sabry | 4 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Baher Dewidar | Writer | 1 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Refaat Abdel Hakeem | 2 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Amr Mcgyver | 2 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Synergy Art Production | 2 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Ahmed Hamdy | 2 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Mahmoud fouda | Casting | 2 |
Name | Role/Job | Order of appearance | Options | |
1) | Amr Mcgyver | 2 |
Name | Synopses | Official ? | Options |
Hussein Nadim | Kalabsh 2 tells the story of Lieutenant Selim Al-Ansary's new life chapter. After he is put in charge of El-A'akrab prison, his family is killed in an attack that leaves him injured. He embarks on a dangerous journey to avenge his family. 238 |
Name | Summaries | Official ? | Options |
Hussein Nadim | Kalabsh 2 tells the story of Lieutenant Selim Al-Ansary's new life chapter. After he is given supervision over El A'akrab prison, his family is killed and he gets injured. He goes on a dangerous journey seeking vengeance for his family. 236 |
Name | Review Content | Spoiler ? | Official ? | Options |
احمد رميح |
ما وراء استشهاد صلاح الطوخيما وراء استشهاد صلاح الطوخي الحلقة 25 من كلبش النهارده كانت دسمه على المستوى الفكري وشفنا كلام عن لعبة الارهاب واسماء كتب وافكار وافكار مضاده في حدوتة...Read more الارهاب القصه بدات بهروب احد شباب الخلية الارهابية - الشاب اسماعيل - اللي بيقودها جاسوس مصري لصالح اسرائيل بعد وفاه امير الجماعه اللى استخلفه من بعده بعد ما كان متوسم خير او مصلحه في ابو ادم الجاسوس المصري او بمعنى ادق متوهم وده كان سبب كافي لاسماعيل انه يهرب بعد ما رفض خلافه ابو ادم الغير منطقية وغير مستساغه ومتتبلعش حتى بلترين سفن اب اسماعيل مش بس هرب لا ده راح سلم نفسه للامن الوطني وقرر انه يروح يتوب ويتطهر كمان وهنا قابل اللواء صلاح الطوخي صاحب النظره الثاقبة والاستراتيجية في الحرب على الارهاب وده لانه وعد اسماعيل بالافراج عنه فورا اذا ثبت حسن نيته في التطهر من خلال مدى دقة المعلومات اللي ادلى بيها لهم طواعيه كعربون الصفحه الجديده اللى هتتفتح له بعد ثبوت حسن نية اسماعيل طبعا وقع الخلاف بين سليم الانصاري شخصية الثائر المنتقم وصلاح الطوخي الحكيم صاحب النظرة الاستراتيجية المرجو منها حل جذري وان طال امد تحققه (no pain no gain) سليم طبعا من المدرسة اللي وصفها اكتر من مرة صلاح الطوخي في معرض انتقاده لسليم " الطريقة الامريكاني " اللى من اول الحدوته كانت بتجيب مكاسب قريبه بس بتمد من عمر الصراع (easy come easy go) الطريف في الامر ان الخط الموازي لسليم الانصاري على الجانب التاني هو ابو ادم قائد الخلية اللي قال ان اللعبه كده هتفرط من ايدين الكبار اللى - تركيا واسرائيل - اللى بيديروا اللعبه بعد طبعا استستلام اسماعيل واحتضان الامن المصري للابن الضال بعد عودته واللي من مصلحتهم اللعبه تستمر وده يتطلب ان الكاتب ينتصر لوجهة نظر سليم مش وجهة نظر صلاح الطوخي وجهة نظر صلاح الطوخي - العدالة الانتقالية - هي ان اي عنصر ارهابي يعلن تطهره وتوبته هو ده الانتصار الحقيقي ، انتصار الفكر اهم من انتصار السلاح - اللي مش بينتصر اصلا - عشان كده سليم الانصاري مكنش متفهم خطوة صلاح الطوخي في الافراج عن اسماعيل وجذبه لحضن الدولة وان ده بداية موت الجماعات دي ، ان الشباب - وقود الجماعات الارهابيه وعمادها - يترموا في حضن الدولة بدال ما يترموا في حضن الجماعات الارهابية كل ده كان ايجابي جدا حتى لحظة استشهاد الطوخي اللى اتكتبت واتنفذت بطريقة تثبت لسليم ومريديه - من المشاهدين - ان صلاح الطوخي كان مجرد ظابط مثالي من المدينة الفاضله الهبله اللى بتؤمن بسياده القانون وان الفكر لابد ان يحارب بفكر مش بسلاح لان الايام دول ومسير الانتصار يتناوب عليه من يملك السلاح والقوة صلاح الطوخي استشهد بحضن من شاب جهادي يرتدي حزام ناسف كان منتظره قدام مقر الامن الوطني عشان يمثل عليه دور التائب الجديد واللي قدم نفسه لصلاح الطوخي على انه من رفاق اسماعيل وانه عايز يسلم نفسه ويتطهر، هنا تملئ الابتسامه وجه صلاح الطوخي بعدما شعر بان الايام تثبت له صحة اعتقاده بان الفكر ينتصر اسرع واقوى من السلاح فيتناسى - فجاة - كل قواعد الاجراءات الامنية الوقائية من تفتيش وخلافه ويشاور للحرس " سيبوه " فيرتمى الشاب في حضن صلاح الطوخي ضاغطا على زر حزامه الناسف لينسف صلاح الطوخي وافكاره التي ستؤدي الى حل جذري بطئ وطويل الامد ولكنه قوي وثابت المفعول حتى يعود سليم الانصار الى الطريقه الامريكاني بعدما كان قاب قوسين او ادنى من الايمان بطريقة صلاح الطوخي وصحتها ولكنه واثناء اعترافه لصلاح الطوخي في تلك اللحظة - تليفونيا - بذلك كان كاتب المسلسل باهر دويدار - علي يد الشاب - قد نسف الامل في ذلك ليعود غدا سليم الانصاري للطريقة الامريكاني التي يريدها ابو ادم مدبر فكرة اغتيال صلاح الطوخي فتستمر الحرب والاهم من ذلك يستمر المسلسل (the show must go on) ويستمر الاكشن وضرب النار والشقلباظات والطريقة الامريكاني لبطل المسلسل سليم الانصاري بعد انضمام اللواء صلاح الطوخي لقائمه الضحايا التي يحملها سليم الانتصاري منذ بداية المسلسل والتي يتناسب عددها طرديا مع عدد حلقات المسلسل لينتهي المسلسل كاي فيلم او مسلسل " امريكاني " بان ينتقم البطل من الشرير ولكن بعد ان يخلف ضحايا كُثر في سبيل الامساك بفرد ! الله يرحمك ياعم سعد .. مفيش فايده احنا اسفين يا عم صلاح |
Season | Episode | Duration | Title | Summaries | Video | Options |
2 | 1 | 0 | 1st Episode | Selim is transferred to a police station in Faiyum. A...Read more terrorist attack on their patrol leaves everyone dead except Selim and his brother-in-law Hossam. Selim vows revenge on the terrorist's leader, Abu El-Ezz El-Gabalaway, and manages to arrest him. 250 | ||
2 | 2 | 45 | 2nd Episode | El-Gabalaway's son Akef sends men to attack Selim's family....Read more Selim's wife and sister die, his mother is paralyzed and his son barely survives. Akef calls Selim to tells him that this is only the beginning. 205 | 1011268 | |
2 | 3 | 45 | 3rd Episode | As Selim tries to find a nanny and a nurse, the activist...Read more Laila brings him a nurse but the suspicious Selim fights with her. Selim visits Abu El-Ezz El-Gabalawy after he is put in charge of the prison. 200 |
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2 | 4 | 45 | 4th Episode | When Selim takes note of how a prisoner is browbeating the...Read more other prisoners, he beats him in the prison yard. He argues with the prison doctor when he notices that he is treating patients according to their financial status. Salah questions the terrorist Atef about the terrorist attack. 286 |
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2 | 5 | 45 | 5th Episode | Selim enlists Adham's help to identify the people who killed...Read more his family. Adham is a former police officer turned hitman. El-Gabalawy's lawyer demands that Selim stay away from his client. 188 | ||
2 | 6 | 45 | 6th Episode | Mosaad tries to kill Selim but another prisoner takes the...Read more hit instead. When Akef's men find Arram, Akef tortures him at first then asks him to carry out a job for him. Selim's son Malek falls ill. 196 |
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2 | 7 | 45 | 7th Episode | Salah reveals important information about the terrorist...Read more group to Selim. Laila asks Selim to find a job for Jaafar. Selim learns that there will be an attempt to break El-Gabalawy out during his trial. 201 |
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2 | 8 | 45 | 8th Episode | As Selim and Nabil keep watch over the prisoner's transfer,...Read more the terrorist group opens fire. Nabil is killed and Selim is shot. El-Gabalawy escapes along with a number of prisoners. 180 |
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2 | 9 | 45 | 9th Episode | Akef clashes with the prison warden who is in his pocket....Read more When Selim recovers, Salah asks him to leave the prison. Selim confronts Mosaad in his solitary confinement. 167 |
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2 | 10 | 45 | 10th Episode | Selim beats Mosaad till he confesses the people involved in...Read more El-Gabalawy's escape. Salah and Selim form a team to look for the fugitives. 136 |
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2 | 11 | 45 | 11th Episode | Akef recruits the escaped convicts to work for him. Yousef...Read more Al-Adawy tries to frame corporal Shaker for the treason charge but Selim refuses to believe him. 155 |
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2 | 12 | 45 | 12th Episode | Salah orders Selim to stay away from Yousef. Akef has Adham...Read more kill Shehta before Selim reaches him. Selim tries to find Arram. Adham kills Yousef. 144 |
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2 | 13 | 45 | 13th Episode | As Salah and Selim try to find Yousef's killer, they visit...Read more Yousef's daughter and Selim finds a flash drive in Yousef's office. Selim discovers that Yousef was involved in El-Gabalawy's escape. Jaafar tells Selim everything he knows about Arram and Abu El-Ezz El-Gabalawy. 271 |
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2 | 14 | 45 | 14th Episode | Salah admonishes Selim for obtaining evidence illegally....Read more Akef prepares for a terrorist attack. Colonel Tamer Hamza arrives to consult with Selim. 145 |
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2 | 15 | 45 | 15th Episode | Gaber's brother asks Selim to help him avenge his brother....Read more Akef tells Adham to kill Selim's mother and son. Selim starts to fall for Laila. 140 |
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2 | 16 | 45 | 16th Episode | Samah leaves the hospital after a health scare. Akef is...Read more unable to bury his father in the village as he requested. Selim sends his mother and son to stay with Gaber's family. Akef kills Dr. Maged for not taking proper care of his father. 236 |
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2 | 17 | 45 | 17th Episode | Atef prevents Akef from punishing Mostafa. Selim questions...Read more Mostafa's father and wife who are ashamed of Mostafa's treason. Selim learns that Colonel Tamer was killed in Libya. 175 |
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2 | 18 | 45 | 18th Episode | Mostafa's wife tips Selim off about the former's location....Read more Selim breaks into Akef's villa but only finds Saeid who tells him about the terrorists. 146 |
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2 | 19 | 45 | 19th Episode | Selim enlists Mostafa's father's help. Salah forces Saeid to...Read more describe Akef whose picture is distributed all over the country. When the Ministry of Interior offers a reward for information about Akef, Akef grows wroth. Selim and Hossam reopen Adham's wife's murder case. 269 |
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2 | 20 | 45 | 20th Episode | Mostafa's father dies. Akef and Mostafa move to the...Read more terrorist cell's new headquarters. Selim asks Laila to pretend to be Adham's wife's friend to get information about her murder. 179 |
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2 | 21 | 45 | 21st Episode | Atef tries to convince Mostafa to start praying. Selim asks...Read more Awad to look for Gawaher around the Roma camps. Adham prompts Akef to get rid of Selim. 147 |
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2 | 22 | 45 | 22nd Episode | Mostafa and Ismail clash over the former's work with the...Read more Mossad. Selim tries to get Gawaher to lead him to Arram. Selim threatens Arram when he meets him. 155 |
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2 | 23 | 45 | 23rd Episode | Arram leads Selim to Akef's place. Adham dies in the ensuing...Read more shootout but not before Selim tells him that his wife committed suicide. Akef manages to escape and orders Atef and his cell to find Selim's mother and son. 217 |
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2 | 24 | 45 | 24th Episode | As Atef and his men arrive in the village where Selim's...Read more family is staying, the Syrian doctor Wedad notices strangers and rallies up the villagers. Atef is killed as the rest of his men flee. Selim and Salah search the village and the surrounding areas. 252 |
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2 | 25 | 45 | 25th Episode | Ismail turns himself in and provides information about the...Read more terrorist cell. Mostafa and Akef escape the police raid. Selim arrests a few of Akef's men who were watching Laila and Hilga. 184 |
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2 | 26 | 45 | 26th Episode | When Salah is assassinated by the terrorist cell, Selim vows...Read more revenge. Foreign parties contact Mostafa and promise aid. 119 |
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2 | 27 | 45 | 27th Episode | Selim raids the terrorist cell's hideout. Mostafa is...Read more arrested but the injured Akef manages to flee to his old mistress' place. Yomna informs Selim that her son was kidnapped. 174 |
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2 | 28 | 45 | 28th Episode | As Selim forms a team to search for the missing boy, Akef...Read more enlists Hanady's help to retrieve the money that he buried to pay the ransom. Selim and Hossam find the boy but Hanady escapes. 186 |
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2 | 29 | 45 | 29th Episode | Selim learns that Laila is being held at Hanady's house....Read more Yomna learns that her husband Mostafa has been sentenced to death. Akef plants landmines around the house to protect himself. Selim goes to Hanady's house alone 217 | ||
2 | 30 | 45 | 30th Episode | Selim arrests Akef who gets sentenced to death. Selim is...Read more assassinated. After his funeral, it's revealed that the Ministry of Interior faked his death. 151 |