The series revolves around the life of Tunisian Beys between the Haramlak and the reigns of the government. Social and historical issues are represented, including the Mejba Revolt. Through shedding...Read more light on such issues, the series provides an epic portrayal of love, power, loss, and guilt.
When the soldiers rebel against the Bey, he believes there is a revolt shaping up. Askar Bey gives orders to use bombs against the armed soldiers. The admiral speaks with the soldiers and advises them not to split the country into the Turks and the Igawawen (the Zwawa tribe.)
The series revolves around the life of Tunisian Beys between the Haramlak and the reigns of the government. Social and historical issues are represented, including the Mejba...Read more Revolt. Through shedding light on such issues, the series provides an epic portrayal of love, power, loss, and guilt.