While the board thinks about a motion to close the Garfield High school after Tobias's attack, an investigation takes place on where Jefferson was when the attack occurred.
Jefferson officially steps down from being a principal. After learning that everyone she loved is gone, Wendy chooses to go back into the pod till Lynn finds a way to cure her of the metagene.
Jefferson is forced to watch his new replacement apply changes to the school. Gambi helps Anissa steal money to help save the clinic from shutting down. Elsewhere, Lynn recruits a criminal scientist to help her with the pods.
As Henderson tries his best to send Tobias to prison, Anissa opts to move out when Jefferson confronts her with what she did for the clinic.
Jefferson starts investigating who attacked Gambi after believing he died. Meanwhile, Lynn gets tricked by her co-worker, causing 14 patients to die.
Gambi succeeds in killing one of his attackers. Lynn struggles with the recent deaths of the pod children. Elsewhere, Black Lightning helps in stopping the Sange's attack on the Perdi.
Black Lightning and Thunder fight Looker and her gang to free the Sange. Meanwhile, Jennifer and Khalil decide to escape Freeland.
While Henderson helps the Pierce family track down Jennifer, Khalil and the latter try to escape from Tobias' mercenary.
Khalil's health is deteriorating after he gets wounded by Cutter's poisonous blade. Meantime, Black Lightning and Thunder are still searching for Jennifer and Khalil.
As Jennifer and Khalil decide to return to Freeland to confront Tobias, Jefferson asks Henderson to help.
Lynn tries to help Khalil after he is hospitalized. Jefferson and Gambi try to reveal Tobias' connection to the recent killing of Holt.
Agent Odell saves Anissa and Lynn while they are assaulted by gunmen. Meanwhile, Jennifer grieves over her loss of Khalil. Elsewhere, Tobias and Dr. Jace have plans of creating an army after obtaining some pods.
As Jennifer plans to take revenge, Jefferson is offered his job back after Lowry's incident with the former. Tobias is set to obtain the other pods by sending Shakedown and Cutter to bring them.
While Henderson uncovers the connection between Tobias and the explosion, Anissa embarks on a mission to find Grace. An old student pays Jefferson a visit.
Anissa informs Gambi of what she discovered while searching for Grace. Jefferson tries to introduce the superhero regulations to his daughters. Elsewhere, Tobias is initiating his plans with his new metahuman army.
As Thunder and Black Lightning succeed in stopping the riot caused by Tobias' army and putting an end to him, Odell reveals what he knows about the Pierces.