As Nick and Jess come back from their European romantic tour, Cece and Schmidt have trouble with their daughter's birthday party.
Winston and Schmidt give Nick a hand with his new book. Jess and Cece talk about their new jobs over lunch.
Schmidt and Jess argue about the best way to get Ruth ready for preschool. Nick helps Winston with his anxiety issues.
The gang reunites for the one-year anniversary of Furguson's death. Jess finds out that Nick lent Coach a large sum of money.
Winston and Aly pick a godparent for their baby, while Winston tries to adjust to the fact of becoming a father. Cece stays at home, while Schmidt goes back to work.
As Nick plans to propose to Jess, things don't go as planned when she tells him that she wants to adopt a dog. Winston is able to see color when he gets glasses.
After their rehearsal dinner, Nick and Jess encounter bad luck, as she injures her eye while he loses his book deal. Russell tries to charm Jess again.
As the gang is getting ready to leave the loft for good and say their goodbyes, Jess tries to make them deal with their feelings. Winston reveals a surprise hoax.