As Sama interrogates the pimp Rashid, she’s vexed by the behavior of Jalal, the uncle of her daughter Mira, towards her. Meanwhile, Safi, who uses a produce shop as a front for dealing drugs, learns that his brother is stealing from him.
Sama’s brother, Jubran, is killed in a shootout with Safi’s men, which prompts her to take over the 2020 case to avenge her brother’s death.
Sama prepares for the case and decides to disguise herself as a cleaner to enter Safi's house, whereas Safi decides to smuggle his brother out of the country.
Sama's plan works and she enters Safi's house under the alias Hayat. Safi’s mother sympathizes with her when she tells her that her brother hits her and steals her money, while Safi decides to look into her identity. Wafaa has an accident while trying to escape from Rasmeyya.
Rasmeyya gets rid of Wafaa’s belongings. Sama threatens Jalal, after he and his mother keep her daughter Mira from going to see her grandmother Aleya. Safi stands up to Sultan when he harasses Noura.
Abu El Lail shots Safi’s uncle, El Hoot, who’s a drug dealer. Hayat stays in Rasmeyya's house. Yazan is forced to undergo treatment for his drug addiction.
Sama feels helpless for not being able to see her daughter on account of the mission she’s on. It's revealed that Warda was romantically involved with Safi, and Rasmeyya with El Hoot. Ayman threatens Safi with a weapon, as he storms into the neighborhood, where, later, a fire breaks out.
Safi looks for Sama, who turns to him after she’s killed her brother Ayman, whereupon he decides to intervene. Mona reproaches her son, Jalal, when she learns about his marriage to Angela.
As Karam is saved, he accuses Sama of trying to kill him, whereupon Safi threatens him and tells him to stay away from Sama. Safi beats up Sultan upon learning that he was the one responsible for the fire.
A new batch of drugs arrives with girls coming from abroad. Jalal decides to leave the country and asks his mother to join him, whereupon she decides to take Mira with them without Sama's knowledge.
Safi develops feelings for Sama, who learns of Jalal's intention to take her daughter along when he leaves the country. Yazan returns to the neighborhood to see his mother.
Yazan escapes surveillance. As Sultan files a charge against Safi for assault, resulting in the latter getting arrested, Sama tries to persuade Sultan to drop the charge with all means possible.
Sultan forces Sama to clean his house in exchange for dropping the charges against Safi, and as the latter is released, he reproaches Sama, for whom his love grew deeper.
Safi confesses his love to Sama and decides to make it up to her. Souad asks Bolbol to take her out. Safi goes to see Yazan at his home.
Safi quarrels with Yazan for disobeying him and returning to the country. The shock of Yazan’s drug addiction kills Safi’s mother, whereupon the former gets arrested and informs on Abdou.
When the police know that El Hoot is attending the funeral of his sister, Safi’s mother, they set an ambush to arrest him.
The police fail to arrest El Hoot, who manages to escape. Brigadier General Ghassan rebukes Sama for leaving the neighborhood. Abu El Lail seeks to cooperate with El Hoot. Safi asks Warda to stay away from him because he loves Sama.
Warda is devastated by what Safi told her about not loving her anymore. Sama agrees to let Mira travel with Jalal. Safi warns his uncle against collaborating with Abu El Lail to distribute drugs.
Sultan tries to rape Noura, but she gets rescued, after which she's shown support by Safi, who later proposes to Sama. It's revealed that Abu El Lail is collaborating with the police to have El Hoot arrested. Warda sees the name ‘Mira’ tattooed on Sama's body.
Abu El Lail collaborates with the police to reduce his grandson Abdou’s sentence. As Warda grows suspicious of Sama, she tells Rasmeyya, and decides to tail her.
Rasmeyya learns that Sama is an undercover police officer. Abdou and Abu El Lail launch their plan to entrap El Hoot. Safi finds listening devices in his house, upon which Rasmeyya reveals to him the truth about Sama.
Safi helps the girls escape from the basement upon finding out the truth about Sama. Bolbol tells Rasmeyya that Sama is an army captain and that Yazan is accused of killing her brother, Jubran.
Bolbol and Souad's wedding takes place. Haram smuggles the drugs to El Hoot, who finds out that Abdou and Abu El Lail are working with the police. Safi kidnaps Sama.
As Safi decides to take revenge on Sama for lying to him, she tells him that her feelings for him are real, after which he decides to trick the police agents in the neighborhood into believing that he doesn’t deal drugs, and that Rasmeyya and his brother El Deeb kidnapped Sama.
As the security forces learn of Jalal's plan, they ban Mira from traveling and return her to Aleya. Safi carries out his plan and informs Ayman about El Deeb forcing him to transport drugs to Syria to release Sama.
The police confirm that Safi is a drug dealer, and that he is holding Sama, after which Safi decides to run away with her, only to be stopped by his uncle, El Hoot, as a major dispute arises between the two.
Warda runs away from her father. It’s revealed that Noura killed her abusive husband in the past, thus becoming wanted by the Syrian police, who made her work with them to arrest Safi. It’s also revealed that Sultan's brother died owing to working with El Deeb.
Sama devises a plan to escape from Safi. Souad confesses to the police that she was working with the girls in the basement, hiding drugs to sell them. Bolbol cooperates with the police, who manage to locate El Hoot.
El Hoot gets arrested. Sama drugs Safi and informs Brigadier General Ghassan of her location, yet the forces couldn’t reach her, as Haram locks her up, whereas Safi is unable to tolerate what she's done to him.
Safi tells Brigadier General Ghassan to release El Hoot, Bolbol and the girls, and to prepare a plane to take him outside the country in exchange for Sama's release. Sama kills Safi for wearing an explosive belt.