A comedy revolving around the three women: Esmat, Karima, and Gamila, who become victims of a scam because of a villa they decide to buy. Now they must learn to coexist under the same roof, or to wait...Read more until one of them manages to have the villa for herself.
After her husband divorces her, Esmat turns to her friend Gamila and they buy a villa. Karima disagrees with her son about managing the company and decides to leave her palace and live in a villa. Esmat and Karima discover that they were both swindled, and the villa was sold to both of them.
A comedy revolving around the three women: Esmat, Karima, and Gamila, who become victims of a scam because of a villa they decide to buy. Now they must learn to coexist under the...Read more same roof, or to wait until one of them manages to have the villa for herself.